[FLASH-USERS] Magnetic field boundary condition for NohCylindrical test problem

Boyle, Gregory gregory.boyle at desy.de
Fri Aug 24 04:47:55 EDT 2018

Dear FLASH community,

I am attempting to modify the the 2D NohCylindrical test problem (32.2.4) to include a permanent B_{\theta} condition at rightmost r boundary. This is a first step towards including the effect of a longitudinal current.

I am using the Unsplit Staggered Mesh MHD solver, and have included a modified Grid_bcApplyToRegion.F90 that alters the standard "reflect" condition on the HIGH face of IAXIS to:

k = 2*guard+1
do i = 1,guard
   regionData(k-i,1:je,1:ke,ivar)= regionData(i,1:je,1:ke,ivar)*sign
   if(ivar == MAGZ_VAR) regionData(k-i,1:je,1:ke,ivar)= 1.0
end do

However, when I look at the output it seems the condition of setting MAGZ_VAR to 1.0 is being ignored.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!


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