[FLASH-USERS] LaserSlab visualization

John Kline jkline35 at gmail.com
Thu Jul 26 13:20:20 EDT 2018

Did you select flash as the file type in visit? Sometimes I get errors opening the files and I don’t know why. In those cases, I can often open the chk files in visit. So, try both ply and chk files.


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> On Jul 26, 2018, at 12:58 PM, Isabella M Pagano <ipagano at utexas.edu> wrote:
> Hi, 
> I'm trying to get density data from LaserSlab, and the plot files which are the output won't just open in ViSit. I know if I want rays the files need to be processed, but what about just the other variables saved?  Do I need to do anything else to get this data or am I running LaserSlab incorrectly? I'm using the example.par with a few modifications, and from reading it over it seems like it is saving the variables "dens" and "ye" which are necessary. 
> Thanks! 
> Bella Pagano 

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