[FLASH-USERS] Fatal error in PMPI_Waitall: See the MPI_ERROR field in MPI_Status for the error code

guido g.granda at irya.unam.mx
Fri Dec 6 18:45:48 EST 2019

Hello Flash users,

I’m having trouble running a simulation with FLASH 4.5. It compiled 
FLASH 4.5 using:

- hdf5-1.8.20 with parallel mode enabled

- mpich-3.2.1

- gcc-7.3.0

The simulations run fine till I increase the maximum level of refinement 
and the number of nodes used. For example, for simulation with lmax=9, 
it runs slow but safe with 8 nodes. However, when I increase the number 
of nodes to 10, the simulation crash trying to write the Coefficients in 
the Taylor expansion into file.

The log file is the following:

FLASH log file: 12-05-2019 12:01:48.640 Run number: 1


Number of MPI tasks: 1

MPI version: 3

MPI subversion: 1

Dimensionality: 3

Max Number of Blocks/Proc: 3000

Number x zones: 8

Number y zones: 8

Number z zones: 8

Setup stamp: Wed Sep 18 16:44:51 2019

Build stamp: Wed Sep 18 16:45:20 2019

System info: Linux mouruka.crya.privado 2.6.32-504.16.2.el6.x86_64 #1 
SMP Wed Apr 22 06:48:29

Version: FLASH 4.5_release

Build directory: /home/guido/FLASH4.5/obj_mc

Setup syntax: /home/guido/FLASH4.5/bin/setup.py magnetoHd/MC_evolution 
-auto -3d -maxblocks=3000 -objdir=obj_mc -site=irya.guido 

f compiler flags: 
/home/guido/libraries/compiled_with_gcc-7.3.0/mpich-3.2.1/bin/mpif90 -g 
-c -O0 -fdefault-real-8 -fdefault-double-8 -ffree-line-length-none 
-Wuninitialized -g -c -fdefault-real-8 -fdefault-double-8 
-ffree-line-length-none -Wuninitialized -DMAXBLOCKS=3000 -DNXB=8 -DNYB=8 

c compiler flags: 
-DH5_USE_16_API -O0 -c -DMAXBLOCKS=3000 -DNXB=8 -DNYB=8 -DNZB=8 -DN_DIM=3


Comment: MC evolution


FLASH Units used:




































bndpriorityone = 1

bndprioritythree = 3

bndprioritytwo = 2

checkpointfileintervalstep = 1000000 [CHANGED]

checkpointfilenumber = 0

dr_abortpause = 2

dr_dtminbelowaction = 1

dr_numposdefvars = 4

drift_break_inst = 0

drift_trunc_mantissa = 2

drift_verbose_inst = 0

eos_entrelescalechoice = 6

eos_loglevel = 700

fileformatversion = 9

forcedplotfilenumber = 0

gr_bhtwmaxqueuesize = 10000

gr_lrefmaxtimevalue_1 = -1

gr_lrefmaxtimevalue_10 = -1

gr_lrefmaxtimevalue_11 = -1

gr_lrefmaxtimevalue_12 = -1

gr_lrefmaxtimevalue_13 = -1

gr_lrefmaxtimevalue_14 = -1

gr_lrefmaxtimevalue_15 = -1

gr_lrefmaxtimevalue_16 = -1

gr_lrefmaxtimevalue_17 = -1

gr_lrefmaxtimevalue_18 = -1

gr_lrefmaxtimevalue_19 = -1

gr_lrefmaxtimevalue_2 = -1

gr_lrefmaxtimevalue_20 = -1

gr_lrefmaxtimevalue_3 = -1

gr_lrefmaxtimevalue_4 = -1

gr_lrefmaxtimevalue_5 = -1

gr_lrefmaxtimevalue_6 = -1

gr_lrefmaxtimevalue_7 = -1

gr_lrefmaxtimevalue_8 = -1

gr_lrefmaxtimevalue_9 = -1

gr_pmrpdivergencefree = 1

gr_pmrpifaceoff = 0

gr_pmrpl2p5d = 0

gr_pmrpmaxblocks = -1

gr_pmrpmflags = 1

gr_pmrpnboundaries = 6

gr_pmrpndim = 3

gr_pmrpnedgevar1 = -1

gr_pmrpnfacevar = -1

gr_pmrpnfielddivf = -1

gr_pmrpnfluxvar = -1

gr_pmrpnguard = -1

gr_pmrpnguardwork = -1

gr_pmrpnvar = -1

gr_pmrpnvarwork = 1

gr_pmrpnvarcorn = 0

gr_pmrpnvaredge = 0

gr_pmrpnxb = -1

gr_pmrpnyb = -1

gr_pmrpnzb = -1

gr_restrictallmethod = 3

gr_sanitizedatamode = 3 [CHANGED]

gr_sanitizeverbosity = 5

grv_bhewaldfieldnxv42 = 32

grv_bhewaldfieldnyv42 = 32

grv_bhewaldfieldnzv42 = 32

grv_bhewaldnper = 32

grv_bhewaldnrefv42 = -1

grv_bhewaldseriesn = 10

grv_bhmpdegree = 2

iprocs = 1

interpol_order = 2

irenorm = 0

jprocs = 1

kprocs = 1

lrefine_del = 0

lrefine_max = 9 [CHANGED]

lrefine_min = 3 [CHANGED]

lrefine_min_init = 1

max_particles_per_blk = 100

memory_stat_freq = 100000

meshcopycount = 1

min_particles_per_blk = 1

nbegin = 1

nblockx = 1

nblocky = 1

nblockz = 1

nend = 1000000 [CHANGED]

nrefs = 2

nsteptotalsts = 5

outputsplitnum = 1

plotfileintervalstep = 1000000 [CHANGED]

plotfilenumber = 0

refine_var_count = 4

rolling_checkpoint = 10000

sim_refine = 9 [CHANGED]

sweeporder = 123

wr_integrals_freq = 1

cfl = 0.800E+00

checkpointfileintervaltime = 0.316E+14 [CHANGED]

checkpointfileintervalz = 0.180+309

derefine_cutoff_1 = 0.300E+00 [CHANGED]

derefine_cutoff_2 = 0.200E+00

derefine_cutoff_3 = 0.200E+00

derefine_cutoff_4 = 0.200E+00

dr_dtmincontinue = 0.000E+00

dr_posdefdtfactor = 0.100E+01

dr_tstepslowstartfactor = 0.100E+00

dtinit = 0.316E+11 [CHANGED]

dtmax = 0.316E+13 [CHANGED]

dtmin = 0.316E+10 [CHANGED]

eintswitch = 0.100E-03 [CHANGED]

eos_singlespeciesa = 0.100E+01

eos_singlespeciesz = 0.100E+01

gamma = 0.167E+01

gr_bhtreelimangle = 0.500E+00

gr_bhtreemaxcellmass = 0.100+100

gr_bhtreemincellmass = 0.100E-98

gr_bhtreesafebox = 0.120E+01

gr_lrefinemaxredlogbase = 0.100E+02

gr_lrefinemaxredradiusfact = 0.000E+00

gr_lrefinemaxredtref = 0.000E+00

gr_lrefinemaxredtimescale = 0.100E+01

gr_lrefmaxtime_1 = -0.100E+01

gr_lrefmaxtime_10 = -0.100E+01

gr_lrefmaxtime_11 = -0.100E+01

gr_lrefmaxtime_12 = -0.100E+01

gr_lrefmaxtime_13 = -0.100E+01

gr_lrefmaxtime_14 = -0.100E+01

gr_lrefmaxtime_15 = -0.100E+01

gr_lrefmaxtime_16 = -0.100E+01

gr_lrefmaxtime_17 = -0.100E+01

gr_lrefmaxtime_18 = -0.100E+01

gr_lrefmaxtime_19 = -0.100E+01

gr_lrefmaxtime_2 = -0.100E+01

gr_lrefmaxtime_20 = -0.100E+01

gr_lrefmaxtime_3 = -0.100E+01

gr_lrefmaxtime_4 = -0.100E+01

gr_lrefmaxtime_5 = -0.100E+01

gr_lrefmaxtime_6 = -0.100E+01

gr_lrefmaxtime_7 = -0.100E+01

gr_lrefmaxtime_8 = -0.100E+01

gr_lrefmaxtime_9 = -0.100E+01

grv_bhaccerr = 0.100E+00

grv_bhextrnpotcenterx = 0.000E+00

grv_bhextrnpotcentery = 0.000E+00

grv_bhextrnpotcenterz = 0.000E+00

grv_bhnewton = -0.100E+01

hall_parameter = 0.000E+00

hyperresistivity = 0.000E+00

nusts = 0.100E+00

plotfileintervaltime = 0.316E+13 [CHANGED]

plotfileintervalz = 0.180+309

point_mass = 0.000E+00

point_mass_rsoft = 0.000E+00

polytropedens1 = 0.212E-24 [CHANGED]

polytropedens2 = 0.100+100

polytropedens3 = 0.100+100

polytropedens4 = 0.100+100

polytropedens5 = 0.100+100

polytropegamma1 = 0.100E+01

polytropegamma2 = 0.100E+01

polytropegamma3 = 0.100E+01

polytropegamma4 = 0.100E+01

polytropegamma5 = 0.100E+01

polytropekonst = 0.400E+09 [CHANGED]

refine_cutoff_1 = 0.700E+00 [CHANGED]

refine_cutoff_2 = 0.800E+00

refine_cutoff_3 = 0.800E+00

refine_cutoff_4 = 0.800E+00

refine_filter_1 = 0.100E-01

refine_filter_2 = 0.100E-01

refine_filter_3 = 0.100E-01

refine_filter_4 = 0.100E-01

rss_limit = -0.100E+01

sim_bx = 0.710E-05 [CHANGED]

sim_by = 0.000E+00

sim_bz = 0.000E+00

sim_cs = 0.200E+05 [CHANGED]

sim_delta = 0.463E+19 [CHANGED]

sim_mu_mol = 0.127E+01

sim_pert = 0.150E+01 [CHANGED]

sim_rho = 0.212E-21 [CHANGED]

sim_sigma = 0.250E+00 [CHANGED]

sim_vx = 0.000E+00

sim_vy = 0.000E+00

sim_vz = 0.000E+00

sim_x_cent = 0.000E+00

sim_y_cent = 0.000E+00

sim_z_cent = 0.000E+00

small = 0.100E-39 [CHANGED]

smalle = 0.100E-09

smallp = 0.100E-21 [CHANGED]

smallt = 0.100E+01 [CHANGED]

smallu = 0.100E-39 [CHANGED]

smallx = 0.100E-09

smlrho = 0.100E-39 [CHANGED]

tinitial = 0.000E+00

tmax = 0.252E+15 [CHANGED]

tstep_change_factor = 0.200E+01

wall_clock_checkpoint = 0.432E+05

wall_clock_time_limit = 0.605E+06

x_refine_center = 0.000E+00

xmax = 0.154E+20 [CHANGED]

xmin = -0.154E+20 [CHANGED]

y_refine_center = 0.000E+00

ymax = 0.154E+20 [CHANGED]

ymin = -0.154E+20 [CHANGED]

zfinal = 0.000E+00

zinitial = -0.100E+01

z_refine_center = 0.000E+00

zmax = 0.154E+20 [CHANGED]

zmin = -0.154E+20 [CHANGED]

unitsystem = CGS [CHANGED]

basenm = mc_evolution_ [CHANGED]

dr_posdefvar_1 = none

dr_posdefvar_2 = none

dr_posdefvar_3 = none

dr_posdefvar_4 = none

eosmode = dens_ie

eosmodeinit = dens_ie

geometry = cartesian

gr_pmrpoutputdir = ./

grav_boundary_type = periodic [CHANGED]

grav_boundary_type_x = periodic [CHANGED]

grav_boundary_type_y = periodic [CHANGED]

grav_boundary_type_z = periodic [CHANGED]

grv_bhewaldfname = ewald_coeffs

grv_bhewaldfnameaccv42 = ewald_field_acc

grv_bhewaldfnamepotv42 = ewald_field_pot

grv_bhextrnpotfile = external_potential.dat

grv_bhextrnpottype = planez

grv_bhmac = ApproxPartialErr

log_file = mc_evolution.log [CHANGED]

output_directory =

pc_unitsbase = CGS

plot_grid_var_1 = none

plot_grid_var_10 = none

plot_grid_var_11 = none

plot_grid_var_12 = none

plot_grid_var_2 = none

plot_grid_var_3 = none

plot_grid_var_4 = none

plot_grid_var_5 = none

plot_grid_var_6 = none

plot_grid_var_7 = none

plot_grid_var_8 = none

plot_grid_var_9 = none

plot_var_1 = dens [CHANGED]

plot_var_10 = magz [CHANGED]

plot_var_11 = none

plot_var_12 = none

plot_var_13 = none

plot_var_14 = none

plot_var_15 = none

plot_var_16 = none

plot_var_17 = none

plot_var_18 = none

plot_var_2 = pres [CHANGED]

plot_var_3 = none

plot_var_4 = eint [CHANGED]

plot_var_5 = velx [CHANGED]

plot_var_6 = vely [CHANGED]

plot_var_7 = velz [CHANGED]

plot_var_8 = magx [CHANGED]

plot_var_9 = magy [CHANGED]

prof_file = profile.dat

refine_var_1 = dens [CHANGED]

refine_var_2 = none

refine_var_3 = none

refine_var_4 = none

refine_var_thresh = dens [CHANGED]

run_comment = MC evolution [CHANGED]

run_number = 1

stats_file = mc.dat [CHANGED]

xl_boundary_type = periodic

xr_boundary_type = periodic

yl_boundary_type = periodic

yr_boundary_type = periodic

zl_boundary_type = periodic

zr_boundary_type = periodic

allowdtstsdominate = F

alwayscomputeuservars = T

alwaysrestrictcheckpoint = T

chkguardcellsinput = F

chkguardcellsoutput = F

converttoconsvdformeshcalls = F

converttoconsvdinmeshinterp = T

corners = F

dr_printtsteploc = T

dr_shortenlaststepbeforetmax = F

dr_useposdefcomputedt = F

drift_tuples = F

eachprocwritesownabortlog = F

eachprocwritessummary = F

earlyblockdistadjustment = T

enablemaskedgcfill = F

flux_correct = T

geometryoverride = F

gr_bcenableapplymixedgds = T

gr_bhphysmaccomm = F

gr_bhphysmactw = F

gr_bhuseunifiedtw = F [CHANGED]

gr_lrefinemaxbytime = F

gr_lrefinemaxreddobylogr = F

gr_lrefinemaxreddobytime = F

gr_pmrpadvancealllevels = F

gr_pmrpamrerrorchecking = F

gr_pmrpcartesianpm = F

gr_pmrpconserve = F

gr_pmrpconsvfluxdensities = T

gr_pmrpconsvfluxes = F

gr_pmrpcurvilinear = F

gr_pmrpcurvilinearconserve = F

gr_pmrpcylindricalpm = F

gr_pmrpdiagonals = T

gr_pmrpedgevalue = T

gr_pmrpedgevalueinteg = F

gr_pmrpemptycells = F

gr_pmrpforceconsistency = T

gr_pmrplsingularline = F

gr_pmrpnopermanentguardcells = F

gr_pmrppolarpm = F

gr_pmrppredcorr = F

gr_pmrpsphericalpm = F

gr_pmrptimingmpi = F

gr_pmrptimingmpix = F

gr_pmrpvardt = F

grav_temporal_extrp = F

grav_unjunkpden = T

grv_bhewaldalwaysgenerate = T

grv_bhlinearinterpolonlyv42 = T

grv_bhuserelaccerr = F

grv_useexternalpotential = F

grv_usepoissonpotential = T

ignoreforcedplot = F

io_writemscalarintegrals = F

killdivb = T [CHANGED]

plotfilegridquantitydp = F

plotfilemetadatadp = F

reducegcellfills = F

refine_on_particle_count = F

restart = F

summaryoutputonly = F

threadblocklistbuild = F

threaddriverblocklist = F

threaddriverwithinblock = F

threadeoswithinblock = F

threadhydroblocklist = F

threadhydrowithinblock = F

threadraytracebuild = F

threadwithinblockbuild = F

typematchedxfer = T

unbiased_geometry = F

updategravity = T

updatehydrofluxes = T

useburn = F

usecollectivehdf5 = T

useconductivity = F

usecool = F

usecosmology = F

usedeleptonize = F

usediffuse = F

usediffusecomputedtspecies = F

usediffusecomputedttherm = F

usediffusecomputedtvisc = F

usediffusecomputedtmagnetic = F

useenergydeposition = F

useflame = F

usegravity = T

useheat = F

useheatexchange = F

usehydro = T

useincompns = F

useionize = F

uselegacylabels = T

usemagneticresistivity = F

usemassdiffusivity = F

useopacity = F

useparticles = F

useplasmastate = F

usepolytrope = T [CHANGED]

useprimordialchemistry = F

useprotonemission = F

useprotonimaging = F

useradtrans = F

useraytrace = F

usests = F

usestsfordiffusion = F

usestir = F

usethomsonscattering = F

usetreeray = F

useturb = T

useviscosity = F

usexrayimaging = F

use_cma_advection = F

use_cma_flattening = F

use_flash_surr_blks_fill = T

use_reduced_orrery = T

use_steepening = T

writestatsummary = T


WARNING: Ignored Parameters :

These parameters were found in the flash.par file, but they were

not declared in any Config file for the simulation!



Known units of measurement:

Unit CGS Value Base Unit

1 cm 1.0000 cm

2 s 1.0000 s

3 g 1.0000 g

4 K 1.0000 K

5 esu 1.0000 esu

6 mol 1.0000 mol

7 m 100.00 cm

8 km 1.00000E+05 cm

9 pc 3.08568E+18 cm

10 kpc 3.08568E+21 cm

11 Mpc 3.08568E+24 cm

12 Gpc 3.08568E+27 cm

13 Rsun 6.96000E+10 cm

14 AU 1.49598E+13 cm

15 yr 3.15569E+07 s

16 Myr 3.15569E+13 s

17 Gyr 3.15569E+16 s

18 kg 1000.0 g

19 Msun 1.98892E+33 g

20 amu 1.66054E-24 g

21 eV 11605. K

22 C 2.99792E+09 esu

23 LFLY 3.08568E+24 cm

24 TFLY 2.05759E+17 s

25 MFLY 9.88470E+45 g

26 clLength 3.08568E+24 cm

27 clTime 3.15569E+16 s

28 clMass 1.98892E+48 g

29 clTemp 1.16045E+07 K

-----------End of Units--------------------

Known physical constants:

Constant Name Constant Value cm s g K esu mol

1 Newton 6.67408E-08 3.0 -2.0 -1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

2 speed of light 2.99792E+10 1.0 -1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

3 Planck 6.62607E-27 2.0 -1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

4 electron charge 4.80320E-10 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0

5 electron mass 9.10938E-28 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

6 proton mass 1.67262E-24 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

7 fine-structure 7.29735E-03 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

8 Avogadro 6.02214E+23 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -1.0

9 Boltzmann 1.38065E-16 2.0 -2.0 1.0 -1.0 0.0 0.0

10 ideal gas constant 8.31446E+07 2.0 -2.0 1.0 -1.0 0.0 -1.0

11 Wien 0.28978 1.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0

12 Stefan-Boltzmann 5.67037E-05 0.0 -3.0 1.0 -4.0 0.0 0.0

13 Radiation Constant 7.56572E-15 -1.0 -2.0 1.0 -4.0 0.0 0.0

14 pi 3.1416 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

15 e 2.7183 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

16 Euler 0.57722 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0


Multifluid database: not configured in


[ 12-05-2019 12:02:26.975 ] [gr_initGeometry] checking BCs for idir: 1

[ 12-05-2019 12:02:26.976 ] [gr_initGeometry] checking BCs for idir: 2

[ 12-05-2019 12:02:26.976 ] [gr_initGeometry] checking BCs for idir: 3

[ 12-05-2019 12:02:27.074 ] [GRID amr_refine_derefine]: initiating 

[ 12-05-2019 12:02:27.302 ] [GRID amr_refine_derefine]: redist. phase. 
tot blks requested: 9

[GRID amr_refine_derefine] min blks 0 max blks 1 tot blks 9

[GRID amr_refine_derefine] min leaf blks 0 max leaf blks 1 tot leaf blks 8

[ 12-05-2019 12:02:27.543 ] [GRID amr_refine_derefine]: refinement complete

[ 12-05-2019 12:02:27.968 ] [GRID gr_expandDomain]: iteration=1, create 

INFO: Grid_fillGuardCells is ignoring masking.

[ 12-05-2019 12:02:28.078 ] [mpi_amr_comm_setup]: buffer_dim_send=74785, 

[ 12-05-2019 12:02:28.157 ] [GRID amr_refine_derefine]: initiating 

[ 12-05-2019 12:02:29.011 ] [GRID amr_refine_derefine]: redist. phase. 
tot blks requested: 73

[GRID amr_refine_derefine] min blks 0 max blks 1 tot blks 73

[GRID amr_refine_derefine] min leaf blks 0 max leaf blks 1 tot leaf blks 64

[ 12-05-2019 12:02:29.440 ] [GRID amr_refine_derefine]: refinement complete

[ 12-05-2019 12:02:29.833 ] [GRID gr_expandDomain]: iteration=2, create 

[ 12-05-2019 12:02:30.253 ] [GRID amr_refine_derefine]: initiating 

[ 12-05-2019 12:02:30.322 ] [GRID amr_refine_derefine]: redist. phase. 
tot blks requested: 585

[GRID amr_refine_derefine] min blks 2 max blks 4 tot blks 585

[GRID amr_refine_derefine] min leaf blks 1 max leaf blks 3 tot leaf blks 512

[ 12-05-2019 12:02:32.046 ] [GRID amr_refine_derefine]: refinement complete

[ 12-05-2019 12:02:32.564 ] [GRID gr_expandDomain]: iteration=3, create 

[ 12-05-2019 12:02:32.684 ] [mpi_amr_comm_setup]: 
buffer_dim_send=233185, buffer_dim_recv=135889

[ 12-05-2019 12:02:33.443 ] [GRID amr_refine_derefine]: initiating 

[ 12-05-2019 12:02:34.807 ] [GRID amr_refine_derefine]: redist. phase. 
tot blks requested: 3033

[GRID amr_refine_derefine] min blks 11 max blks 14 tot blks 3033

[GRID amr_refine_derefine] min leaf blks 9 max leaf blks 11 tot leaf 
blks 2654

[ 12-05-2019 12:02:35.561 ] [GRID amr_refine_derefine]: refinement complete

[ 12-05-2019 12:02:35.977 ] [GRID gr_expandDomain]: iteration=4, create 

[ 12-05-2019 12:02:36.173 ] [mpi_amr_comm_setup]: 
buffer_dim_send=575965, buffer_dim_recv=351529

[ 12-05-2019 12:02:37.611 ] [GRID amr_refine_derefine]: initiating 

[ 12-05-2019 12:02:40.401 ] [GRID amr_refine_derefine]: redist. phase. 
tot blks requested: 6297

[GRID amr_refine_derefine] min blks 24 max blks 26 tot blks 6297

[GRID amr_refine_derefine] min leaf blks 20 max leaf blks 23 tot leaf 
blks 5510

[ 12-05-2019 12:02:41.154 ] [GRID amr_refine_derefine]: refinement complete

[ 12-05-2019 12:02:41.544 ] [GRID gr_expandDomain]: iteration=5, create 

[ 12-05-2019 12:02:41.815 ] [mpi_amr_comm_setup]: 
buffer_dim_send=540997, buffer_dim_recv=411109

[ 12-05-2019 12:02:44.513 ] [GRID amr_refine_derefine]: initiating 

[ 12-05-2019 12:02:46.394 ] [GRID amr_refine_derefine]: redist. phase. 
tot blks requested: 16185

[GRID amr_refine_derefine] min blks 62 max blks 65 tot blks 16185

[GRID amr_refine_derefine] min leaf blks 54 max leaf blks 57 tot leaf 
blks 14162

[ 12-05-2019 12:02:47.277 ] [GRID amr_refine_derefine]: refinement complete

[ 12-05-2019 12:02:47.696 ] [GRID gr_expandDomain]: iteration=6, create 

[ 12-05-2019 12:02:48.106 ] [mpi_amr_comm_setup]: 
buffer_dim_send=881329, buffer_dim_recv=699133

[ 12-05-2019 12:02:50.281 ] [GRID amr_refine_derefine]: initiating 

[ 12-05-2019 12:02:51.436 ] [GRID amr_refine_derefine]: redist. phase. 
tot blks requested: 89497

[GRID amr_refine_derefine] min blks 348 max blks 351 tot blks 89497

[GRID amr_refine_derefine] min leaf blks 304 max leaf blks 308 tot leaf 
blks 78310

[ 12-05-2019 12:02:53.153 ] [GRID amr_refine_derefine]: refinement complete

[ 12-05-2019 12:02:53.443 ] [GRID gr_expandDomain]: iteration=7, create 

[ 12-05-2019 12:02:56.118 ] [mpi_amr_comm_setup]: 
buffer_dim_send=1952545, buffer_dim_recv=1773109

[ 12-05-2019 12:03:03.333 ] [GRID amr_refine_derefine]: initiating 

[ 12-05-2019 12:03:07.980 ] [GRID amr_refine_derefine]: redist. phase. 
tot blks requested: 626345

[GRID amr_refine_derefine] min blks 2445 max blks 2449 tot blks 626345

[GRID amr_refine_derefine] min leaf blks 2139 max leaf blks 2142 tot 
leaf blks 548052

[ 12-05-2019 12:03:13.985 ] [GRID amr_refine_derefine]: refinement complete

[ 12-05-2019 12:03:14.055 ] [GRID gr_expandDomain]: iteration=8, create 

[ 12-05-2019 12:03:25.399 ] [mpi_amr_comm_setup]: 
buffer_dim_send=6183577, buffer_dim_recv=5623945

[ 12-05-2019 12:03:55.420 ] [GRID amr_refine_derefine]: initiating 

[ 12-05-2019 12:03:58.377 ] [GRID amr_refine_derefine]: redist. phase. 
tot blks requested: 97801

[GRID amr_refine_derefine] min blks 381 max blks 384 tot blks 97801

[GRID amr_refine_derefine] min leaf blks 333 max leaf blks 336 tot leaf 
blks 85576

[ 12-05-2019 12:04:01.822 ] [GRID amr_refine_derefine]: refinement complete

[ 12-05-2019 12:04:01.849 ] [GRID gr_expandDomain]: iteration=9, create 

[ 12-05-2019 12:04:03.709 ] [mpi_amr_comm_setup]: 
buffer_dim_send=2129845, buffer_dim_recv=1958629

[ 12-05-2019 12:04:11.340 ] [GRID amr_refine_derefine]: initiating 

[ 12-05-2019 12:04:15.464 ] [GRID amr_refine_derefine]: redist. phase. 
tot blks requested: 626345

[GRID amr_refine_derefine] min blks 2445 max blks 2449 tot blks 626345

[GRID amr_refine_derefine] min leaf blks 2139 max leaf blks 2142 tot 
leaf blks 548052

[ 12-05-2019 12:04:24.519 ] [GRID amr_refine_derefine]: refinement complete

[ 12-05-2019 12:04:24.588 ] [GRID gr_expandDomain]: iteration=10, create 

[ 12-05-2019 12:04:35.959 ] [mpi_amr_comm_setup]: 
buffer_dim_send=6183577, buffer_dim_recv=5623945

[ 12-05-2019 12:05:06.370 ] [GRID amr_refine_derefine]: initiating 

[ 12-05-2019 12:05:09.335 ] [GRID amr_refine_derefine]: redist. phase. 
tot blks requested: 97801

[GRID amr_refine_derefine] min blks 381 max blks 384 tot blks 97801

[GRID amr_refine_derefine] min leaf blks 333 max leaf blks 336 tot leaf 
blks 85576

[ 12-05-2019 12:05:12.763 ] [GRID amr_refine_derefine]: refinement complete

[ 12-05-2019 12:05:12.790 ] [GRID gr_expandDomain]: iteration=11, create 

[ 12-05-2019 12:05:14.289 ] [gr_ensureValidNeighborInfo] found 
mpi_pattern_id: -10

[ 12-05-2019 12:05:14.317 ] [mpi_amr_comm_setup]: buffer_dim_send=73525, 

[ 12-05-2019 12:05:14.806 ] memory: /proc vsize (MiB): 2918.54 (min) 
3030.76 (max) 2946.03 (avg)

[ 12-05-2019 12:05:14.807 ] memory: /proc rss (MiB): 1798.14 (min) 
1883.50 (max) 1830.61 (avg)

[ 12-05-2019 12:05:14.808 ] memory: /proc vsize (MiB): 2918.54 (min) 
3030.76 (max) 2946.03 (avg)

[ 12-05-2019 12:05:14.809 ] memory: /proc rss (MiB): 1798.18 (min) 
1883.53 (max) 1830.67 (avg)

[ 12-05-2019 12:05:17.553 ] [BHTree]: Coefficients in the Taylor 
expansion written into file

The error file says:

Fatal error in PMPI_Waitall: See the MPI_ERROR field in MPI_Status for 
the error code

The out file says:

RuntimeParameters_read: ignoring unknown parameter "energyFix"...

Grid_init: resolution based on runtime params:

lrefine dx dy dz

3 9.643E+17 9.643E+17 9.643E+17

4 4.821E+17 4.821E+17 4.821E+17

5 2.411E+17 2.411E+17 2.411E+17

6 1.205E+17 1.205E+17 1.205E+17

7 6.027E+16 6.027E+16 6.027E+16

8 3.013E+16 3.013E+16 3.013E+16

9 1.507E+16 1.507E+16 1.507E+16

MaterialProperties initialized

Cosmology initialized

Initializing Polytropic Equation of State

Source terms initialized

iteration, no. not moved = 0 0

refined: total leaf blocks = 8

refined: total blocks = 9

[amr_morton_process]: Initializing surr_blks using standard orrery 

INFO: Grid_fillGuardCells is ignoring masking.

iteration, no. not moved = 0 6

iteration, no. not moved = 1 0

refined: total leaf blocks = 64

refined: total blocks = 73

iteration, no. not moved = 0 46

iteration, no. not moved = 1 2

iteration, no. not moved = 2 0

refined: total leaf blocks = 512

refined: total blocks = 585

iteration, no. not moved = 0 459

iteration, no. not moved = 1 58

iteration, no. not moved = 2 0

refined: total leaf blocks = 2654

refined: total blocks = 3033

iteration, no. not moved = 0 2675

iteration, no. not moved = 1 765

iteration, no. not moved = 2 0

refined: total leaf blocks = 5510

refined: total blocks = 6297

iteration, no. not moved = 0 5642

iteration, no. not moved = 1 1146

iteration, no. not moved = 2 0

refined: total leaf blocks = 14162

refined: total blocks = 16185

iteration, no. not moved = 0 15209

iteration, no. not moved = 1 1503

iteration, no. not moved = 2 0

refined: total leaf blocks = 78310

refined: total blocks = 89497

iteration, no. not moved = 0 79298

iteration, no. not moved = 1 4927

iteration, no. not moved = 2 0

refined: total leaf blocks = 548052

refined: total blocks = 626345

iteration, no. not moved = 0 91484

iteration, no. not moved = 1 36351

iteration, no. not moved = 2 0

refined: total leaf blocks = 85576

refined: total blocks = 97801

iteration, no. not moved = 0 89804

iteration, no. not moved = 1 6879

iteration, no. not moved = 2 0

refined: total leaf blocks = 548052

refined: total blocks = 626345

iteration, no. not moved = 0 91447

iteration, no. not moved = 1 36080

iteration, no. not moved = 2 0

refined: total leaf blocks = 85576

refined: total blocks = 97801

NSIZE = 4 1

Tree solver initialized

Finished with Grid_initDomain, no restart

Ready to call Hydro_init

Hydro initialized

Gravity initialized

Initial dt verified

I’m not sure what is the reason for this kind of crash, have you ever 
experienced something similar?

My guess is that it is a communication problem due to the use of 
mpich-3.2.1 but i’m not sure.


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