[FLASH-USERS] Thin targets in LaserSlab

Norbert Flocke flocke at flash.uchicago.edu
Tue Jun 4 10:54:54 EDT 2019

Hi Graeme,

Do you use lrefine_min = 1 as a starting resolution? If yes, then your 
traget thickness can only be as small as 1 cell side and this depends on 
the number cells per block. If you want thinner targets, then you probably 
must increase lrefine_min to a higher number, so that the LaserSlab 
simulation starts with smaller cells that can accommodate smaller targets.


On Tue, 4 Jun 2019, Graeme Scott - UKRI STFC wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm working on the LaserSlab example and was interested in reducing the target thickness down to a few hundreds of nanometres. It seems that even when I increase the AMR to resolve tens of nanometres, that the target can only get as thin as about ~5 um, and when I try to make it thinner than this it disappears completely. I wondered if there's some configuration setting that's in the setup that's preventing me from getting thinner than this?
> I have had a look around and all the parameters relating to the target parameters seem to be defined as 'real', and in the .par file I'm using scientific notation to define the values, so it shouldn't be any kind of rounding error. Any help would be very much appreciated.
> Many thanks,
> Graeme

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