[FLASH-USERS] Problem running Sedov example

Klaus Weide klaus at flash.uchicago.edu
Tue Jun 4 16:40:52 EDT 2019

On Tue, 4 Jun 2019, Nulsen, Susan wrote:

> Hello.
> I'm new to Flash and I am starting by trying to run the Sedov example as
> described online with the simple parameter file, flash.par from
> http://flash.uchicago.edu/site/flashcode/user_support/flash_ug_devel/node13.html


Unfortunately that section of the User's Guide is not fully up to date.
Please try adding this line to you parameter file:

  sim_profFileName        = "/dev/null"

(FLASH is trying to read an initial 1D profile from a file that does not 
exist, if you do not set this; this feature did not yet exist when the 
section of the U.G. was last updated.)

If you were just using the FLASH parameter file from the User's Guide -
it is better to start with the default version that is included in
the Sedov simulation directory, i.e., 

 source/Simulation/SimulationMain/Sedov/flash.par ,

which has some additional runtime parameters that may be needed.


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