[FLASH-USERS] LaserSlab Simulation

Acharya, Nitish nachary2 at ur.rochester.edu
Tue Jun 18 11:40:58 EDT 2019

Hi all,

I am trying to run LaserSlab simulation with sesame EOS tables converted to IONMIX4 format. The EOS table conversion looked good but I could only run the simulation by turning off the opacityoptions in .par file. As I turn on the opacityoptions,  I get the following error message :

[op_readIonmix4Tables] ERROR: bad size of IONMIX4 energy group grid
          48           6
 [op_readIonmix4Tables] ERROR: bad size of IONMIX4 energy group grid
          48           6
 [op_readIonmix4Tables] ERROR: bad size of IONMIX4 energy group grid
          48           6
 [op_readIonmix4Tables] ERROR: bad size of IONMIX4 energy group grid

What could be the possible issue here?


Nitish Acharya
Graduate Student
Department of Mechanical Engineering
University of Rochester

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