[FLASH-USERS] How to describe vacuum in cfd simulation?

sang-yun Shin shinsy85 at gmail.com
Thu May 9 23:53:33 EDT 2019

Dear FLASH users,

I want to describe some fluid as vacuum in cfd simulation.
When I described vacuum in particle-in-cell simulation, it was easy with
concept "there are not any one."
So with this same concept, I made a fluid with zero density.
But, after such setup, simulation does not work. (zero energy ? error
Fortunately, with replacing a zero density to few density (~10^-6 g/cm^3),
simulation work well.

Any other nice way to describe vacuum in cfd simulation?

Best regards,
Sang Yun Shin.

## 신 상윤 (Sang Yun, Shin)
## 06974 서울특별시 동작구 흑석로 84
## 중앙대학교 104관 (자연과학대학, 수림과학관) 7층 704호 (이론물리연구실)
## Tel) None
## Mobile) 010-3687-9486
## E-mail) shinsy85 at gmail.com
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