[FLASH-USERS] Meaning of the extremely large temporal parameters in example.par of LaserSlab

Chul Min Kim chulmin at gist.ac.kr
Fri May 31 13:11:36 EDT 2019

Dear FLASH users,

I am going through the example.par of LaserSlab and curious about the 
meaning of the extremely large temporal parameters:

df_diff_factor = 1.0e+100

hx_dtFactor = 1.0e+100

Do these extremely large values imply that the program tries to have 
\nabla^2 Q = 0 (Q is a physical quantity.) and tele=tion? Or, does it 
mean that diffusion and heat exchange is effectively removed in the 

I would appreciate it developers or power users could clarify this.

Best regards,

Chul Min Kim

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