[FLASH-USERS] An error with a laser energy deposition model.

Sang Yun Shin shinsy85 at gmail.com
Fri Nov 1 13:54:19 EDT 2019

Hi folks,

I found an error when I using a laser energy deposition model.

For example, in LaserSlab simulation,
if you use 351nm laser with 4096 of rays,
critical error such as below figure occurred.
(But I don't know why this error occurred.)

If you are know this problem,
please tell me why this error occurred
and how to can overcome this?
(I know one way that I can overcome it by using more many rays.
But in other simulation,
I should to use many many rays (>2^14),
and thus I think it isn't best way.)

[image: error.png]

Best regards,
Sang Yun Shin.


## Sang Yun Shin

## 104-dong 704-ho, Chung-Ang University

## 84, Heukseok-ro, Dongjak-gu, Seoul 06974, Republic of Korea

## Tel) None

## Mobile) +82-10-3687-9486

## E-mail, main) shinsy85 at gmail.com

## E-mail, sub) shinsy85 at cau.ac.kr


## 신상윤 (申尙潤)

## 중앙대학교 104관 704호

## 서울특별시 동작구 흑석로 84, 06974

## 내선) 없음

## 핸드폰) 010-3687-9486

## 이메일, 주) shinsy85 at gmail.com

## 이메일, 부) shinsy85 at cau.ac.kr

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