[FLASH-USERS] multiTemp/Gamma EOS implementation in LaserSlab

Acharya, Nitish nachary2 at ur.rochester.edu
Tue Feb 11 15:35:10 EST 2020

Dear flash-users,

I am trying to implement multiTemp/Gamma EOS to one of the materials in the LaserSlab and just use the tabulated EOS for the rest. There was no error during code compilation. However, I tried to modify couple lines from the following EOS routines:

i) eos_idealGamma.F90
ii) eos_idealGamma3T.F90

These routines were located in .../Eos/EosMain/MultiTemp/Gamma/Ye

I modified the expression for pressure and comibinedGamc calculation. However, I dont see any changes while I plot the gamc and pres variable in VISIT.

1) For my case of implementation, how is pressure initialized and calculated later in the simulation? It seems I'm modifying the lines in wrong EOS routines.

2) In the params file, I set gammaEle = 2.4, gammaIon = 2.4 and gammaRad = 1.33. When I plot gamc in ViSit, it shows 2.348. How is gamc initialized and calculated later in the simulation?

I have attached my Config files and .f90 files.

Thanks so much,



Nitish Acharya

PhD Student

Department of Mechanical Engineering

University of Rochester
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Name: eos_idealGamma.F90
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Desc: eos_idealGamma.F90
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Name: eos_idealGamma3T.F90
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Desc: eos_idealGamma3T.F90
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