[FLASH-USERS] How can I set the boundary condition as "periodic" in LaserSlab-like example

Sang Yun Shin shinsy85 at gmail.com
Fri Jul 17 03:58:24 EDT 2020

Hey everyone,
I'm running FLASH simulations based on the LaserSlab example. I have
modified the original cylindrical geometry to cartesian geometry.
Now I'd like to set the y boundary condition to periodic.

I understand that I need to set the following conditions to "periodic" for
the fluid flow.
yl_boundary_type = "periodic"
yr_boundary_type = "periodic"

However, I'm not sure how to set the following conditions regarding
radiation transport and heat conduction
rt_mgdYlBoundaryType = "neumann"
rt_mgdYrBoundaryType = "neumann"
diff_eleYlBoundaryType = "neumann"
diff_eleYrBoundaryType = "neumann"

To my knowledge, there's no option to set these to "periodic".
I also confirmed that using "neumann" or "dirichlet" conditions doesn't
yield correct "periodic" results.
How can I get the correct periodic results?

Sang Yun Shin.


## Sang Yun Shin

## 104-dong 704-ho, Chung-Ang University

## 84, Heukseok-ro, Dongjak-gu, Seoul 06974, Republic of Korea

## Tel) None

## Mobile) +82-10-3687-9486

## E-mail, main) shinsy85 at gmail.com

## E-mail, sub) shinsy85 at cau.ac.kr


## 신상윤 (申尙潤)

## 중앙대학교 104관 704호

## 서울특별시 동작구 흑석로 84, 06974

## 내선) 없음

## 핸드폰) 010-3687-9486

## 이메일, 주) shinsy85 at gmail.com

## 이메일, 부) shinsy85 at cau.ac.kr

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