[FLASH-USERS] Conserving mesh with fixed refined regions

María Fernanda Clever Uribe clever_fisica at ciencias.unam.mx
Fri Jun 26 13:10:00 EDT 2020

Hi everyone;

I am trying to run a simulation with certain regions with a fixed AMR mesh
configuration (a set of concentric rectangles around the origin) using the
Flash version 4.3 I want to use rectangular zones in my domain (I am
working with cartesian coordinates). The smallest rectangle maintains the
maximum nlev_max, the subsequent rectangle with nlev_max - 1 mesh and so

I checked some emails and sections in the manual where the subroutine
Grid_markRefineDerefine.f90 is applied to define zones where the highest
refinement level is required. Using this subroutine am able to set the
concentric rectangles for t=0, however for t>0 the initial mesh
configuration is not conserved anymore and many zones in the domain change
to a high refinement (basically Flash uses the AMR configuration which it
would use by not using Grid_markRefineDerefine.f90).

I want to know if it is possible to force the mesh to maintain the initial
configuration for the next timesteps.

Thanks in advance!

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