Francesco Barbato francesco.barbato at u-bordeaux.fr
Wed Nov 4 09:19:30 EST 2020

Dear All,

after a system update when I try to setup a LaserSlab simulation I get 
an error (enclosed there is a print of the error).
Could be related to the new version of MPI 

FLASH		: 4.6.1 Open MPI	: 4.0.3 MPICH		: 3.3.2
Thank you. Best Regards,
Francesco Barbato, Dr. sc. nat.

AAA Please note that my u-bordeaux.fr email 
(francesco.barbato at u-bordeaux.fr 
<mailto:francesco.barbato at u-bordeaux.fr>) will expire in the next 
For future communications, please use the following address:
francescobarbato.mail at gmail.com <mailto:francescobarbato.mail at gmail.com>

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