[FLASH-USERS] Hydrogen EOS/opacity tables

Thomas Kluge t.kluge at hzdr.de
Mon Apr 12 16:20:35 EDT 2021

Dear FLASH users,

as a newbie I found it quite simple to get my first simulations up and running - yippie and kudos to the developers!!

I am simulating the interaction of laserpulses, so naturally I started off with the LaserSlab example. Since our target is composed of cryogenic hydrogen, I was wondering if someone has the EOS and opacity tables for H?

I found some H cn4 and imx files in other examples, but just replacing the Al files with those gave errors and warnings such as "negative dE/dT" or "bad size of IONMIX4 energy group grid" or "Negative 3T internal energy".

Thanks for any help!



Dr. Thomas Kluge
Institute of Radiation Physics
Laser Particle Acceleration Division
Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf e.V.
Bautzner Landstraße 400
Tel.:  +49 351 260 2618<tel:+49%20351%202602618>
Fax:   +49 351 26012618<tel:+49%20351%2026012618>

Vorstand: Prof. Dr. Sebastian M. Schmidt, Dr. Diana Stiller
Vereinsregister: VR 1693 beim Amtsgericht Dresden
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