[FLASH-USERS] how to force refinement

Klaus Weide klaus at flash.uchicago.edu
Thu Apr 22 19:59:02 EDT 2021

On Thu, 22 Apr 2021, Slavin, Jonathan wrote:

> I realized after posting that the correct way to do this is to have a
> custom version of Grid_markRefineDerefine.F90 in my simulation directory
> and include inside of that a call to Grid_markRefineSpecialized. I did
> that, but for some reason the grid is still not refining in the way I want.
> Print statements inside Grid_markRefineSpecialized and gr_markInRadius
> indicate that the proper blocks are getting marked for refinement and yet
> no refinement is being done. I put the call to Grid_markRefineSpecialized
> at the end of Grid_markRefineDerefine so it should prevent refine and
> derefine from getting overwritten.

What is the value of 'lref' with which you call Grid_markRefineSpecialized 
from your Grid_markRefineDerefine? How does it relate to lrefine_max?

Note that you can never increase refinement beyond lrefine_max.


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