[FLASH-USERS] cylindrical vs polar

Maksim Kozlov maksim.kozlov at nu.edu.kz
Fri Apr 30 05:46:35 EDT 2021

Dear Flash users,
in chapter 34 of users manual there is an example of configuring
"axisymmetric variant of the Sod problem". According to the manual such
problem should be set up by "./setup Sod -auto -2d -geometry=cylindrical."
Which is wrong because in 2D it is called "polar". And it is not just
question of terminology. If you look for example at source code
"hy_uhd_getFaceFlux.F90" then for 2 dimensional case only spherical and
polar geometries are considered when coefficient of viscosity cvisc is
calculated. Is this a bug or I do not understand something?
I would really appreciate if anybody can help me with this issue.
Thank you very much!
Maksim Kozlov
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