[FLASH-USERS] setup 2D spherical simulation

RIGON Gabriel gabriel.rigon at nagoya-u.jp
Tue Feb 16 22:27:16 EST 2021


I'm trying to setup a 2D spherical simulation, but I have some trouble 
with it.

In Simulation_init, I initialized my 2d simulation with condition 
depending only on the radius X-coord.
my domains limits are:
- xmin= 0
- xmax = 10.0 (or whatever positive real number)
- ymin = 0.0 (angle in degree)
- ymax = 180.0 (angle in degree)
- xl_boundary_type = "reflecting"
- xr_boundary_type = "outflow"
My problem originate from the domain boundary condition in the Y direction:
if I use:
- yl/r_boundary_condition = "outflow", then the simulation can be launch 
normally but the lateral outflow leads to all physical values becoming 
-none- quickly
- yl/r_boundary_condition = "periodic" (which is the default 
implementation) the simulation crash during its initialization phase.
The problem here seems to be due to a wrong initialization of the guard 
cells. Indeed all of the guard cells values which should be defined 
using the periodic boundary appear to be "0." (there is no such problem 
when using outflow condition). Actually I also tried using the 
"reflecting" boundary condition but I have the same problem as in the 
"periodic" case.

Do anyone know a way to initialize a 2D spherical simulation ?

Best regards,

PS: According to the FLASH user documentation spherical geometry in AD 
should be compatible with UG as well as pm4, so I tried with both grid 
but the problem stays the same.

Gabriel Rigon
Laboratory for Theoretical Astronomy & Astrophysics (TA-Lab)
Graduate School of Science
Division of Particle and Astrophysical Science
Nagoya University, Japan

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