[FLASH-USERS] Error When Running LaserSlab On FLASH 4.6.1

Jared Guzman jag21791 at vt.edu
Thu Jan 7 18:55:34 EST 2021

Hello All,

I am trying to run the Laser Slab simulation and am encountering an error
when running "make" inside the object directory.

Within my FLASH folder, I run the following setup line:

./setup -auto LaserSlab -site=jag21791.vt.edu

This succeeds, and so I move into my newly created object/ directory and
run the "make" command, where I receive the error attached to this email.

I have the following modules loaded prior to running make:

Currently Loaded Modules:
  1) intel/15.3   2) openmpi/3.0.0   3) phdf5/1.8.16

My Makefile is also attached, which aligns with the modules I loaded in. I
am not sure what the issue is, and I have been told that it could be an
issue with either the Fortran compilers, the MPI installations, or both. As
I am extremely new to not only FLASH but the aforementioned modules and
installations, I simply have no clue what could be causing the issue.

I have also tried to run the Sedov simulation as stated in the manual,
with no success and the equivalent error message.

Any assistance to point me in the right direction would be greatly
appreciated. If I am not providing enough information or improperly asking
for help, I apologize and would gladly try to provide more information in
order to make both the problem and solution clearer in the future.



*Jared Guzman*
*B.S. Physics 2019*
*M.S. Aerospace Engineering 2022*
*Virginia Tech*
*540-419-6027 | jag21791 at vt.edu <jag21791 at vt.edu>*
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