[FLASH-USERS] Fw: Adding another target specie in LaserSlab

徐诗睿 shirui.xu at pku.edu.cn
Thu Jan 14 10:52:05 EST 2021

Dear all,

I am sorry that some pictures about the error are missing. I put them in the attachment this time.

Best regards,

Shirui Xu

发件人:"徐诗睿" <shirui.xu at pku.edu.cn>
发送时间:2021-01-14 23:46:47 (星期四)
收件人: flash-users at flash.uchicago.edu
主题: Adding another target specie in LaserSlab

Dear friends,

I am trying adding another specie in "LaserSlab". For example, I am trying to simulate a slab with a layer of polystyrene and a layer of aluminium,  so I need three species: cham, targ1 and targ2.

I changed the original specie "targ" to "targ1" in "LaserSlab" , and likewise I added "targ2". I made changes to config, simulation_data, simulation_init, and simulation_initBlocks, as well as the runtime parameter file. Everything went on well through setup and makefile. However, when I executed flash, errors occurred as below:

I don't understand what caused the problem. What should I do to add a new target specie in the "LaserSlab" ?

I'll appreciate it very much if you could help me. Thanks to all.

PS: Attached are some related files.

Best regards,

Shirui Xu


Shirui Xu

Ph.D Candidate, State Key Lab of Nuclear Physics and Technology, School of Physics, Peking University, Beijing, P.R.China

E-mail: shirui.xu at pku.edu.cn

Contact No.: 86-13720653137

Address: No.3, North 2nd Road of Zhongguancun, Beijing 100871, China




重离子研究所 激光等离子体实验室 博士研究生

邮箱:shirui.xu at pku.edu.cn



Shirui Xu

Ph.D Candidate, State Key Lab of Nuclear Physics and Technology, School of Physics, Peking University, Beijing, P.R.China

E-mail: shirui.xu at pku.edu.cn

Contact No.: 86-13720653137

Address: No.3, North 2nd Road of Zhongguancun, Beijing 100871, China
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