[FLASH-USERS] Laser focal spot

Ong Jian Fuh jianfuh.ong at eli-np.ro
Mon Jul 26 05:44:20 EDT 2021

Dear all,

I have a question on the following parameters:

ed_targetSemiAxisMajor_1 & ed_gaussianRadiusMajor_1

In the manual ed_targetSemiAxisMajor_1 is the radius of the laser focal 
spot. But at the same time ed_gaussianRadiusMajor_1 is also the radius 
of the laser focal spot. I wonder which one is used to determine the 
laser intensity. Thanks.


Dr. Ong Jian Fuh
Extreme Light Infrastructure - Nuclear Physics
"Horia Hulubei" National Institute for Physics and Nuclear Engineering
30 Reactorului Street, 077125 Magurele (Ilfov), Romania

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