[FLASH-USERS] Some Problem when restart the StirTurb

Tristan juwj at mail2.sysu.edu.cn
Mon May 24 12:18:44 EDT 2021

Hello, everyone:
	When I run the Flash code with the StirTrub unit for my turbulence simulation, it works well.But when I want to restart from a checkpointfile , something went wrong.
	To restart from a CheckPointFile, I changed my flash.par :
	restart    =    .true.
	checkpointFileNumber  = 5
	plotFileNumber    = 10
The total number of CheckPointFile is 10, and for plotfile is 20 when I run the code first time. So I just want to restart from half the number
That is the error I met :
 [io_readData] Opening driventurb_3d_hdf5_chk_0005 for restart
 Progress:   seed length =            0
 Random seed =
 nmodes =          188
 Source terms initialized
  Finished with Grid_initDomain, restart
 Ready to call Hydro_init
 Hydro initialized
 Gravity initialized
 Initial dt verified
 *** Wrote plotfile to driventurb_3d_forced_hdf5_plt_cnt_0000 ****
 Initial plotfile written
 Driver init all done
       n          t         dt  (         x,          y,          z) |
     106 2.5417E+00 4.9986E-02  (  999.    ,   999.    ,   999.    ) |
     107 2.5917E+00 9.9972E-02  (  999.    ,   999.    ,   999.    ) |
     108 2.6916E+00 1.9994E-01  (  999.    ,   999.    ,   999.    ) |
 *** Wrote plotfile to driventurb_3d_hdf5_plt_cnt_0010 ****
     109 2.8916E+00 3.9989E-01  (  999.    ,   999.    ,   999.    ) |
 *** Wrote plotfile to driventurb_3d_hdf5_plt_cnt_0011 ****
     110 3.2915E+00 7.9977E-01  (  999.    ,   999.    ,   999.    ) |
 *** Wrote checkpoint file to driventurb_3d_hdf5_chk_0006 ****
 *** Wrote plotfile to driventurb_3d_hdf5_plt_cnt_0012 ****
     111 4.0912E+00 1.5995E+00  (  999.    ,   999.    ,   999.    ) |
 *** Wrote checkpoint file to driventurb_3d_hdf5_chk_0007 ****
 *** Wrote plotfile to driventurb_3d_hdf5_plt_cnt_0013 ****
     112 5.6908E+00 3.1991E+00  (  999.    ,   999.    ,   999.    ) |
 *** Wrote checkpoint file to driventurb_3d_hdf5_chk_0008 ****
 *** Wrote plotfile to driventurb_3d_hdf5_plt_cnt_0014 ****
     113 8.8899E+00 6.3982E+00  (  999.    ,   999.    ,   999.    ) |
 *** Wrote checkpoint file to driventurb_3d_hdf5_chk_0009 ****
 *** Wrote plotfile to driventurb_3d_hdf5_plt_cnt_0015 ****
     114 1.5288E+01 1.2796E+01  (  999.    ,   999.    ,   999.    ) |
 *** Wrote checkpoint file to driventurb_3d_hdf5_chk_0010 ****
 exiting: reached max SimTime
 *** Wrote plotfile to driventurb_3d_forced_hdf5_plt_cnt_0001 ****
At line 25 of file Stir_finalize.F90
Fortran runtime error: Attempt to DEALLOCATE unallocated 'st_randseed'
At line 25 of file Stir_finalize.F90
Fortran runtime error: Attempt to DEALLOCATE unallocated 'st_randseed'
At line 25 of file Stir_finalize.F90
Fortran runtime error: Attempt to DEALLOCATE unallocated 'st_randseed'
At line 25 of file Stir_finalize.F90
Fortran runtime error: Attempt to DEALLOCATE unallocated 'st_randseed'
At line 25 of file Stir_finalize.F90
Fortran runtime error: Attempt to DEALLOCATE unallocated 'st_randseed'
At line 25 of file Stir_finalize.F90
Fortran runtime error: Attempt to DEALLOCATE unallocated 'st_randseed'
At line 25 of file Stir_finalize.F90
Fortran runtime error: Attempt to DEALLOCATE unallocated 'st_randseed'
At line 25 of file Stir_finalize.F90
Fortran runtime error: Attempt to DEALLOCATE unallocated ‘st_randseed'
The file Stir_finalize.F90 is below:

!!****if* source/physics/sourceTerms/Stir/StirMain/Generate/Stir_finalize
  !! NAME
  !!  Stir_finalize
  !!  call Stir_finalize()
  !!  none
  !!  Clean up the Stir unit

  subroutine Stir_finalize()
    use Stir_data, ONLY : st_randseed, st_reproducible, &
         st_saveReproducible, st_randomSaveUnit
    implicit none
    deallocate(st_randseed)        !!!!!!!! This is the 25th line.
  end subroutine Stir_finalize

I have updated the log file for you to check my work. If someone met the some questions, let me know. 
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