[FLASH-USERS] Hybrid Conductivity for target, and chamber in laserslab Simulation

kouider benbayer benbayer.kouider at gmail.com
Sun Jun 19 04:40:31 EDT 2022

Hi, all
I want to use hybrid Conductivity in the laser lab simulation. For the
target(Al) I use PowerLaw conductivity model, and for chamber (He) I use
the SpitzerHighZ model.
So I added some lines to the Config and example02.par files.
But I have this error:
/setup -auto LaserSlab -2d +hdf5typeio -nxb=16 -nyb=16 +mtmmmt +laser
+uhd3t +mgd mgd_meshgroups=25 species=cham,targ -parfile=example02.par
DeprecationWarning: sys.getcheckinterval() and sys.setcheckinterval() are
deprecated.  Use sys.setswitchinterval() instead.
  sys.setcheckinterval(10000) # this is not threaded application
Processing Shortcut file:
checking for needed files and directories
    checking sites Aliases file
    site directory for site Ben not found;
    using prototype Linux
generating default Units file
FutureWarning: Possible nested set at position 81
  myClass.regexps[keyword] = re.compile(regexp)
FutureWarning: Possible nested set at position 42
File: Simulation/SimulationMain/LaserSlab/Config
Line: 16
Condition: CHAM
Variables: {'fixedBlockSize': True, 'withDriver': '', 'withGrid': True,
'withIO': True, 'withMultispecies': '', 'withParticles': '',
'withPhysicalConstants': '', 'withRuntimeParameters': '', 'withSimulation':
'', 'withProtonEmission': '', 'withProtonImaging': '',
'withThomsonScattering': '', 'withXrayImaging': '', 'withDebugger': '',
'withLogfile': '', 'withProfiler': '', 'withTimers': '', 'withPipeline':
'', 'withInterpolate': '', 'withRoots': '', 'withRungeKutta': '',
'withCosmology': '', 'withDiffuse': '', 'withEos': True, 'withGravity': '',
'withHydro': True, 'withImBound': '', 'withIncompNS': '', 'withRadTrans':
True, 'withRayTrace': '', 'withSolidMechanics': '', 'withTreeRay': '',
'withConductivity': '', 'withMagneticResistivity': '',
'withMassDiffusivity': '', 'withNSE': '', 'withOpacity': True,
'withViscosity': '', 'withBurn': '', 'withCool': '', 'withDeleptonize': '',
'withEnergyDeposition': True, 'withFlame': '', 'withHeat': '',
'withHeatexchange': '', 'withIonize': '', 'withPolytrope': '',
'withPrimordialChemistry': '', 'withStir': '', 'withTurb': '',
'withPlasmaState': '', 'FlashAvoidOrrery': True, 'parallelIO': True, 'IO':
'hdf5', 'typeIO': True, 'Mtmmmt': True, 'ThreeT': 1, 'mgd_meshgroups': 25,
'species': 'cham,targ', 'nDim': 2, 'targ': '', 'cham': ''}
Details: name 'CHAM' is not defined

Can any one have a solution for this case, or where should I make the
Best regards.
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