[FLASH-USERS] Format of PrOpacEOS tables for use with FLASH

Rodger, Izzy rodger1 at llnl.gov
Wed Aug 16 15:21:06 EDT 2023

Good afternoon,

I hope that this email finds you all well!

I have patched FLASH to be able to use PrOpacEOS tables, however when trying to input them I receive the following error message:

forrtl: severe (59): list-directed I/O syntax error, unit 7, file .../CU_modified.prp

Image              PC                Routine            Line        Source

flash4             ######  for__io_return        Unknown  Unknown

flash4            ######  for_read_seq_lis_     Unknown  Unknown
flash4            ######  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown
flash4             ######  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown
flash4             ######  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown
flash4             ######  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown
flash4            ######  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown
flash4            ######  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown
libc-2.28.so       ######  __libc_start_main     Unknown  Unknown
flash4            ########   Unknown               Unknown  Unknown

Has anybody encountered this and can advise on how to resolve it? mgd_meshgroups = 10 was specified in the ./setup command and I've changed the energy groups in the flash.par file, so FLASH has been told how to read it properly.  It's likely something to do with how FLASH is trying to read the propaceos file that we input. I modified it to remove the ionization fractions, is there any other changes that need to be made?

Kind regards,

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