Jian Fuh Ong jianfuh.ong at eli-np.ro
Mon Jan 9 16:19:32 EST 2023

Dear Flash Developers,

Thank you for the release of FLASH4.7. I have tried out with the new feature for SESAME reader. I face a problem that the sesame data we obtain by using sesame-extract with opacplot2 is not compatible with the fortran format in the code.

We have for material 3717 with the following data structure:

 0  3717   101   160   r    11889    11889   1                                 0
material. aluminum (z=13.0, a=26.9815) /source. j. barnes, s. lyon /date. aug 88
 /refs. none /comp. al /codes. grizzly  /Classification. Unclassified /         
 1  3717   102   552   r    11889    11889   1                                 1
tfd as calculated by candide in grizzly was used for the electronic contribution
. chartjd nuclear model with jd gamma (igrun=7). gamref = 2.136, dgamma = -1.6, 
-2.2, gameps = 0.5, 1.0, debkel = 390.0, tmelt = 933.2. cold curve from shock da
ta and sound velocity. used us-up curve composed of a single straight line with 
c0 = 5.35 and s1 = 1.34. also used ecohkc = 69.0, faclj = 0.235, cmat = 1.588 an
d xalpha =0.2. both temperature and density grids enhanced with additional point
s. 301 table has van der waals loops. fits p(rho) hugoniot data well.   
 1  3717   201     5   r    11889    11889   1                                 1
 1.30000000E+01 2.69815000E+01 2.70000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+0011111

But the data come with FLASH have a longer line:

 0  9999   101   160   r    82803    22704   1                                 0
This Sesame table was generated using OpacPlot2 to convert an IONMIX EoS table t
o the Sesame format                                                             
 1  9999   201   5   r    82803    22704   1                                   1
 1.300000000000000E+01 2.698153860000000E+01 1.000000000000000E+00 1.000000000000000E+00 1.000000000000000E+0011111

What would you suggest to do so that the shorter data converted from sesame can be read correctly. Thanks.


Jian Fuh ONG

Research Scientist
Extreme Light Infrastructure - Nuclear Physics
Horia Hulubei National Institute for Physics and Nuclear Engineering
30 Reactorului Street, ELI-NP,
077125 Magurele, jud. Ilfov, Romania 

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