[FLASH-USERS] StirFromFile error "WARNING] yaksa: 5 leaked handle pool objects"

Alex Anorve manzana.granada at gmail.com
Wed Jul 5 13:38:46 EDT 2023


I am trying to run a turbulence simulation using the StiirFromFile module.

When I use the standard setup from the manual

./setup StirFromFile -auto -3d -nxb=16 -nyb=16 -nzb=16 +ug
I am able to run the simulation up to t=5, everything seems OK, except that
I get the following warning at the end "WARNING] yaksa: 5 leaked handle
pool objects" repeated n times, where n is the number of processors that I

However when I use nxb=nyb=nzb=128, the simulation breaks suddenly at time
0.8x not at time 5, and I get the same warning message "WARNING] yaksa: 5
leaked handle pool objects"

Someone can help me to get an idea of what is happening, why the simulation
breaks at time 0.8x?

I am using the standard  modes file generated with forcing_generator and
the simulation breaks before reaching t=5. I am planning later to use my
own forcing_generator later which generates the modes in a different manner
but I cannot run the simulation even with the standard file generated using
the standard forcing_generator. Anyone can help me with this?

Best Regards and thanks in advance for your help,

Alex Anorve
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