[FLASH-USERS] Unexpected behavior of the BDRY variable

ddk172 at edu.hmu.gr ddk172 at edu.hmu.gr
Tue Sep 12 07:32:11 EDT 2023

Hello Flash users,

I used the variable BDRY in Flash4.7 version in order to have a rigid 
body in some specific regions of my computational domain, and it was 
working as intended. During the tests I used the unsplit staggered mesh 
MHD solver + magnetic resistivity. Now, I am trying to replicate the 
results in Flash4.7.1 version and the magnetic field appears to be 
advected and/or diffused at the same regions. Do you know how can I 
solve this problem? I attach a figure that you see the problem. In the 
left one you can see 4.7.1 version and in the right the 4.7 version.

Thanks in advance

Chris Karvounis
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