[FLASH-USERS] Beam target (partially) outside of domain

Zhang Shizheng zsz526654434 at stu.xjtu.edu.cn
Tue Sep 26 10:33:39 EDT 2023

Hi all,

      I'm running the LaserSlab simulation, and I wish to use a  laser beam with larger radius for simualtion, the default laser spot radius is 10um and it can run successfully. However,  when I changed

 the radius to 50um the error occurred: "error message is ed_beamsCheck2DCyl3D: Beam target (partially) outside of domain!"

     The domian size I was using is 280e-4 cm * 80e-4 cm with the nblockx=12 and the nblocky=2. The TargetRadius was 300 um and laser would  shoot on the center of the target. I  expanded  the 

domain and the target in order to solve the problem but it seems no use. The flash.par and the lasslab.log are in attachment. 

      Has anyone ever used a laser with a larger radius successfully or have some advice on correcting the error?

   Thanks in advance for any help!


Zhang Shizheng


Xi'an Jiaotong University

Institute for Science and Technology of Laser and Particle Beams
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