[FLASH-USERS] Several puzzles related to zpinch simulation.

Jiale Zheng zhengjl1103 at shu.edu.cn
Mon Mar 18 02:35:11 EDT 2024

Dear all:
I am using FLASH ZPinch simulation while encountering several puzzles.

1. Zpinch example file includes "Be-006-imx.cn4" and "DD-006-imx.cn4",these 2 files seem to be data related to state of quation and opacity. I cannot figure out which element is used to simulate zpinch, is that Hrodrogen? And Be is for background gas(in vaccum)?
2. Based on puzzle1, if I would like to replace zpinch simulation target/fuel(like Xenon) and background gas, where I can get those data in IONMIX4 format?
3. I tried both 1d and 2d zpinch simulation, but it seems no huge differences in visualized result of parameters like density, pressure,etc. And I tried to read two flash.par files intensively and compared with each other.  I found some variations in mesh parameters, like in 1d case there is only increment in x direction.  2d case has increments in both x and y direction.  However, when  plotting in yt, these variations seem to disappear. In other words, one can plot 2d figures in 1d case. Any nice solutions? I am using yt in Jupyter notebook.

Best regards

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