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As a follow up question: Is there any specific reason that the
Multigrid solver doesn't handle "outflow" boundaries (e.g. is it
intended) or could it be implemented?<br>
Thanks and best regards,<br>
Josef Stöckl wrote:
<blockquote cite="mid:4821AC6C.3030403@uibk.ac.at" type="cite">
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Hi Anshu,<br>
Yes, I'm indeed using the Multigrid solver. I didn't find any mention
of this solver not working with "outflow", but I'll have to check
again. I wonder though, isn't "grav_boundary_type" the boundary
condition used for the self gravity? Because I had set that to
"periodic" for my initial tests.<br>
Thanks and best regards,<br>
Anshu Dubey wrote:
type="cite"> It appears that you are using the multigrid solver for
gravity in your
simulation. <br>
Self gravity in FLASH does not support outflow boundary conditions,
most of the <br>
other solvers do. From the setups included with the distribution you
can check out<br>
"Sod" and "Sedov", they both use outflow boundary conditions.<br>
<div>On Wed, May 7, 2008 at 7:04 AM, Josef Stöckl <<a
moz-do-not-send="true" href="mailto:josef.stoeckl@uibk.ac.at">josef.stoeckl@uibk.ac.at</a>>
I'm trying to set up a problem with "outflow" boundary conditions, but
when I choose this BC type I always get the following message in my log:<br>
gr_hgMapBcType: An unexpected gr_hgBndConditions was requested for the
WORK array<br>
Looking inside that file seems to suggest that at the moment only a few
boundary conditions are implemented and not all, which the Flash 3
Manual lists. Is there some development version of the Grid code
available that handles outflow conditions?<br>
Thanks in advance and best regards to all,<br>