# benchmark_2MK_test_FLASH3 # # Modifications # This file is the benchmark_2MK_test.par used for the benchmarking # study of A. Winebarger. It is modified for FLASH3 and runs # with the CoronalLoop1D setup directory. It also uses the # parameters for the benchmark test provided by Amy Winebarger # in her email of 13 May 09: # Full loop length = 2.28e10 (just the coronal part!) # Apex temperature = 4.48690e+06 # Base pressure = 1.00e+16 (K/cm^3 at 10,000 K, n_e * T) # Uniform Heating rate: 0.00103273 (ergs/cm^3/s) # set tradmin back to 8000 and theatmin to 10000K # SIMULATION RUN AND 1/O PARAMETERS run_comment = "2MK benchmarking study run - AMR level 6" basenm = "benchmark_2MK_amr6_" checkpointFileIntervalTime = 2000. #checkpointFileIntervalStep = 100 plotFileIntervalTime = 1000. nend = 8000000 tmax = 10000.0 output_directory = "/lustre/gforjan/benchmark_amr6" log_file = "benchmark_amr6.log" memory_stat_freq = 200000 wr_integrals_freq = 10000 #print_tstep_loc = .true. # Restart parameters use last pt and cp numbers restart = .false. plotFileNumber = 0000 checkpointFileNumber = 0000 # PHYSICS PARAMETERS # Pressure and density at the left x boundary = base of chromosphere # as derived from scale height. See Antio.m MATLAB script sim_plasmaVel = 0.0e+00 sim_neCor = 1.50e+09 sim_TChr = 30000.0 sim_TCor = 1.8e+06 sim_p0Chr = 2.0 # Gas ratio of specific heats sim_Gamma = 1.66666667 # Thermal conductivity - see FUG p.89-90 useDiffuseTherm = .true. # Heating and Cooling parameters useHeat = 1 #theatmin = 1. theatmin = 10000.0 statheat = 1.05e-05 qheat = 0.0 x0heat = 8.0e+08 #y0heat = 1.0e+09 tstar = 15.0 t0heat = 1000.0 tau = 1000.0 useCool = 1 #tradmin = 30000. tradmin = 8000. #tradmin = 8000.0 #dradmax = 6.0e+11 # For plane parallel gravity changes for Antiochus paper only # need ptdirn = 1 (the default). Semi-circular gravity is # implemented in the CoronalLoop1D SimulationMain directory. # FLASH3 - no gravity parameter. Have to use -with option # on ./setup command line. #igrav = 1 ptdirn = 1 # COMPUTATIONAL VOLUME PARAMETERS geometry = "cartesian" Nblockx = 1 #Nblocky = 1 xmin = 0.0 xmax = 2.5e+10 #ymin = 0.0 #ymax = 2.0e+09 # Boundary conditions ppm_modifystates = .false. # use with hydrostatic xr? bc_velocity_type = "outflow" xl_boundary_type = "user" xr_boundary_type = "reflect" #xr_boundary_type = "hydrostatic" #yl_boundary_type = "periodic" #yr_boundary_type = "periodic" # small definition smallx = 1e-10 smalle = 1e-10 smallp = 1e-15 smlrho = 1e-22 # initial, and minimum timesteps (no need to set dtmax) # FLASH3 - these are not recognized. #dtini = 1.0e-3 #dtmin = 1.0e-20 #dtmax = 1.0e+01 # Simulation grid parameters (Note: cfl is hydro/explicit parameter only) # Must refine the grid enough so that dx < H cfl = 0.8 lrefine_min = 1 lrefine_max = 6 eintSwitch = 1.e-4 refine_var_1 = "temp" refine_var_2 = "dens" refine_var_3 = "none" #refine_var_3 = "velx" refine_var_4 = "none" # PLOT VARIABLES FOR OUTPUT plot_var_1 = "dens" plot_var_2 = "pres" plot_var_3 = "temp" plot_var_4 = "ener" plot_var_5 = "velx" #plot_var_6 = "grav" #plot_var_6 = "vely" #plot_var_7 = "velz" #plot_var_8 = "eint" #plot_var_9 = "enuc" #plot_var_10 = "cond" #plot_var_11 = "heat" #plot_var_12 = "cool"