<div dir="ltr"><div><div><div><div>Dear Users,<br><br><br></div> I'm having some difficultly plotting particles in either Visit or yt. Initially I thought it might be my particular script, but now I'm just trying to plot the particle in the Sink Momentum Test problem. When I load the plot files, I don't see a particle subset in Visit. When I load the checkpoint files or the particle files I see a subset named Particles, which has posx, posy, and posz. However attempting to scatter plot these is unsuccessful.<br><br></div> In my own script, I don't see anything called Particles in the checkpoint or particle files, even though I used the Sink Momentum Test par and config files as a template. If I look at the particle files using HDFView, I don't see anything labelled "posx", "posy" or "posz".<br><br></div><div> The Sink Momentum Test is being run unedited. My own config file contains:<br><br>REQUIRES Particles/ParticlesMain/active/Sink<br>REQUIRES physics/Gravity/GravityMain/Poisson<br>REQUIRES physics/sourceTerms/Polytrope/PolytropeMain<br><br></div><div> and my par file has:<br><br><br>plot_var_12 = "posx"<br>plot_var_13 = "posy"<br>plot_var_14 = "posz"<br></div><div><br>useParticles = .true.<br>useSinkParticles = .true.<br><br></div><div> among other things.<br></div><div><br></div><div><br></div> Can anyone enlighten me on the necessary switches I need to throw in the config and par files that I am missing to make sure all the data is there to plot? I should note that for my application I'm specifically needing to use sink particles (star cluster in a gas).<br><br></div>Thanks,<br><div><div><div><div><div><br><br clear="all"><div><div class="gmail_signature"><div dir="ltr">Joshua Wall<div><br></div><div>Doctoral Candidate</div><div>Department of Physics</div><div>Drexel University</div></div></div></div>