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<p style="margin-bottom: 0in; line-height: 100%"><font face="Times New Roman" color="000000" size="3"><br>
<p style="margin-bottom: 0in; line-height: 100%"><font face="Times New Roman" color="000000" size="3">Hello FLASH-users,</font></p>
<font face="Times New Roman" color="000000" size="3"></font>
<p style="margin-bottom: 0in; line-height: 100%"><font face="Times New Roman" color="000000" size="3"><br>
<font face="Times New Roman" color="000000" size="3"></font>
<p style="margin-bottom: 0in; line-height: 100%"><font face="Times New Roman" color="000000" size="3">The FLASH code gives an unexpected low electron temperature (~ 10 eV) plasma from a laser-spherical (solid or liquid) Al (and<font color="000000"> perhaps</font>
 other elements) target interaction. The maximum laser power is ~ (3-4)<font color="000000">x10^6 W. The laser rise time is ~ 17-20 ns.
</font>The experimental results demonstrated plasma with temperature > 20 eV. Is there any mistake in the following file? I would be very happy to
<font color="000000">recieve</font> your comments.</font></p>
<font face="Times New Roman" color="000000" size="3"></font>
<p style="margin-bottom: 0in; line-height: 100%"><font face="Times New Roman" color="000000" size="3"><br>
<font face="Times New Roman" color="000000" size="3"></font>
<p style="margin-bottom: 0in; line-height: 100%"><font face="Times New Roman" color="000000" size="3">Best
<font face="Times New Roman" color="000000" size="3"></font>
<p style="margin-bottom: 0in; line-height: 100%"><font face="Times New Roman" color="000000" size="3">Majid</font></p>
<font face="Times New Roman" color="000000" size="3"></font>
<p style="margin-bottom: 0in; line-height: 100%"><br>
<p style="margin-bottom: 0in; line-height: 100%"><br>
<p style="margin-bottom: 0in; line-height: 100%"># Run the spherical target<br>
# setup call:<br>
#        ./setup ... -auto -2d +hdf5typeio species=cham,targ +mtmmmt +laser +uhd3t +mgd mgd_meshgroups=6 -parfile=flash.par -objdir=...
run_comment = "test simulation of ..."<br>
log_file    = "....log"<br>
basenm      = "..._"<br>
# ...<br>
### Checkpoint Options  ###<br>
checkpointFileIntervalTime = 1.0<br>
checkpointFileIntervalStep = 4<br>
### Plot Options ###<br>
plotFileNumber       = 0<br>
plotFileIntervalStep = 10<br>
plot_var_1           = "dens"<br>
plot_var_2           = "depo"<br>
plot_var_3           = "tele"<br>
plot_var_4           = "tion"<br>
plot_var_5           = "ye  "<br>
plot_var_6           = "sumy"<br>
### Restart Options ###<br>
restart              = .false.<br>
checkpointFileNumber = 0<br>
#         #<br>
#                                      #<br>
rt_useMGD       = .true.<br>
rt_mgdNumGroups = 6<br>
rt_mgdBounds_1  = 1.0e-01<br>
rt_mgdBounds_2  = 1.0e+00<br>
rt_mgdBounds_3  = 1.0e+01<br>
rt_mgdBounds_4  = 1.0e+02<br>
rt_mgdBounds_5  = 1.0e+03<br>
rt_mgdBounds_6  = 1.0e+04<br>
rt_mgdBounds_7  = 1.0e+05<br>
rt_mgdFlMode    = "fl_harmonic"<br>
rt_mgdFlCoef    = 1.0<br>
rt_mgdXlBoundaryType = "vacuum"<br>
rt_mgdXrBoundaryType = "vacuum"<br>
rt_mgdYlBoundaryType = "vacuum"<br>
rt_mgdYrBoundaryType = "vacuum"<br>
rt_mgdZlBoundaryType = "reflecting"<br>
rt_mgdZrBoundaryType = "reflecting"<br>
useOpacity     = .true.<br>
op_chamAbsorb   = "op_tabpa"<br>
op_chamEmiss    = "op_tabpe"<br>
op_chamTrans    = "op_tabro"<br>
op_chamFileType = "ionmix4"<br>
op_chamFileName = "he-imx-005.cn4"<br>
op_targAbsorb   = "op_tabpa"<br>
op_targEmiss    = "op_tabpe"<br>
op_targTrans    = "op_tabro"<br>
op_targFileType = "ionmix4"<br>
op_targFileName = "al-imx-003.cn4"<br>
#                          #<br>
#     LASER PARAMETERS     #<br>
#                          #<br>
ed_enforcePositiveTele = .true.<br>
ed_enforcePositiveNele = .true.<br>
useEnergyDeposition = .true.                #turn on the laser<br>
ed_maxRayCount      = 2000<br>
ed_gradOrder        = 2<br>
### LASER IO OPTIONS ###<br>
ed_useLaserIO             = .true.<br>
ed_laserIOMaxNumberOfPositions = 10000<br>
ed_laserIOMaxNumberOfRays         = 128<br>
ed_numberOfPulses = 1<br>
# Define Pulse 1:<br>
# in nano second scale (e-09)<br>
ed_numberOfSections_1 =3<br>
ed_time_1_1  = 0.0<br>
ed_time_1_2  = 20.0e-09<br>
ed_time_1_3  = 2.10e-09<br>
# in  scale (e+ watt)<br>
ed_power_1_1 = 4.0e+3 (4.0e+2, ...)<br>
ed_power_1_2 = 4.0e+6<br>
ed_power_1_3 = 0<br>
### SETUP LASER BEAM ###<br>
ed_numberOfBeams = 1<br>
ed_printBeams = .true.<br>
ed_printPulses = .true.<br>
ed_printRays = .true.<br>
ed_printMain  = .true.<br>
# Setup Gaussian Beam 1:<br>
ed_lensX_1            =  500.0e-04                   #x-position of L<br>
ed_lensY_1            = 0                  #y-position of L<br>
ed_targetX_1          =  20.0e-04                   #x-position of T<br>
ed_targetY_1          =  0                    #y-position of T<br>
ed_lensSemiAxisMajor_1       = 10.0e-04 (...)            #<br>
ed_targetSemiAxisMajor_1   = 10.0e-04 (...)<br>
ed_targetSemiAxisMinor_1   = 10.0e-04 (...)<br>
ed_pulseNumber_1      =  1<br>
ed_wavelength_1       =  1.053<br>
ed_crossSectionFunctionType_1   =  "gaussian1D"<br>
ed_gaussianExponent_1   = 1.0 (...)                         #<br>
ed_gaussianRadiusMajor_1    = 5.50e-04 (...)<br>
ed_gaussianRadiusMinor_1    = 5.50e-04 (...)<br>
ed_numberOfRays_1          =  512<br>
ed_gridType_1       = "regular1D"<br>
#ed_semiAxisMajorTorsionAngle_1     =  0.0<br>
#ed_semiAxisMajorTorsionAxis_1      =  "x"<br>
################################# <br>
#                               # <br>
#                               # <br>
useDiffuse      = .true. <br>
useConductivity = .true. <br>
diff_useEleCond = .true. <br>
diff_eleFlMode  = "fl_minmax" <br>
diff_eleFlCoef  = 0.06 <br>
diff_thetaImplct = 1.0 <br>
diff_useIonCond = .true. <br>
diff_ionFlMode  = "fl_harmonic" <br>
diff_ionFlCoef  = 0.8 <br>
diff_ionthetaImplct = 1.0 <br>
diff_eleXlBoundaryType = "outflow" <br>
diff_eleXrBoundaryType = "outflow" <br>
diff_eleYlBoundaryType = "outflow" <br>
diff_eleYrBoundaryType = "outflow" <br>
diff_eleZlBoundaryType = "outflow" <br>
diff_eleZrBoundaryType = "outflow" <br>
diff_ionXlBoundaryType = "outflow" <br>
diff_ionXrBoundaryType = "outflow" <br>
diff_ionYlBoundaryType = "outflow" <br>
diff_ionYrBoundaryType = "outflow" <br>
diff_ionZlBoundaryType = "outflow" <br>
diff_ionZrBoundaryType = "outflow"<br>
#################################### <br>
#                                  # <br>
#                                  # <br>
useHeatexchange = .true.<br>
########################## <br>
#                        # <br>
#     EOS PARAMETERS     # <br>
#                        # <br>
eosModeInit      = "dens_temp_gather"<br>
eosMode          = "dens_ie_recal_gather"<br>
smallt           = 1.0<br>
smallx           = 1.0e-99<br>
eos_useLogTables = .false.<br>
#                          #<br>
#     HYDRO PARAMETERS     #<br>
#                          #<br>
# Use second order hybrid solver with minmod slope limiter. This<br>
# essentially eliminates any Carbuncle instability.<br>
order            = 3        # Interpolation order (first/second/third/fifth order)<br>
slopeLimiter     = "mc"     # Slope limiters (minmod, mc, vanLeer, hybrid, limited)<br>
LimitedSlopeBeta = 1.       # Slope parameter for the "limited" slope by Toro<br>
charLimiting     = .true.   # Characteristic limiting vs. Primitive limiting<br>
use_avisc        = .true.   # use artificial viscosity (originally for PPM)<br>
cvisc            = 0.1      # coefficient for artificial viscosity<br>
use_flattening   = .false.  # use flattening (dissipative) (originally for PPM)<br>
use_steepening   = .false.  # use contact steepening (originally for PPM)<br>
use_upwindTVD    = .false.  # use upwind biased TVD slope for PPM (need nguard=6)<br>
RiemannSolver    = "HLLC"   # Roe, HLL, HLLC, LLF, Marquina, hybrid<br>
entropy          = .true.   # Entropy fix for the Roe solver<br>
shockDetect      = .true.  # Shock Detect for numerical stability<br>
addThermalFlux   = .false.<br>
use_hybridOrder = .true.<br>
# Hydro boundary conditions:<br>
 xl_boundary_type = "outflow"<br>
 xr_boundary_type = "outflow"<br>
 yl_boundary_type = "outflow"<br>
 yr_boundary_type = "outflow"<br>
 zl_boundary_type = "outflow"<br>
 zr_boundary_type = "outflow"<br>
sim_initGeom = "sphere"<br>
sim_targetRadius = 0.0<br>
sim_shellThickness = 20.0e-04<br>
# Target material defaults set for Aluminum at room temperature:<br>
sim_rhoTarg  = 2.7<br>
sim_teleTarg = 290.11375<br>
sim_tionTarg = 290.11375<br>
sim_tradTarg = 290.11375<br>
ms_targA = 26.9<br>
ms_targZ = 13<br>
ms_targZMin = 0.02<br>
eos_targEosType = "eos_tab"<br>
eos_targSubType = "ionmix4"<br>
eos_targTableFile = "al-imx-003.cn4"<br>
# Chamber material defaults set for Helium at pressure 1.6 mbar:<br>
sim_rhoCham  = 1.0e-06<br>
sim_teleCham = 290.11375<br>
sim_tionCham = 290.11375<br>
sim_tradCham = 290.11375<br>
ms_chamA = 4.002602<br>
ms_chamZ = 2.0<br>
eos_chamEosType = "eos_tab"<br>
eos_chamSubType = "ionmix4"<br>
eos_chamTableFile = "he-imx-005.cn4"<br>
tstep_change_factor = 1.10<br>
cfl            = 0.2<br>
dt_diff_factor = 1.0e+100 # Disable diffusion dt<br>
rt_dtFactor    = 0.02<br>
hx_dtFactor    = 1.0e+100<br>
tmax           = 21.0e-09<br>
dtmin          = 1.0e-16<br>
dtinit         = 1.0e-15<br>
dtmax          = 3.0e-09<br>
nend           = 100000000<br>
geometry = "cartesian"<br>
# Domain size:<br>
xmin = -100.0e-04<br>
xmax = 100.0e-04<br>
ymin = -100.0e-04<br>
ymax = 100.0e-04<br>
# Total number of blocks:<br>
#nblockx = 2<br>
#nblocky = 5<br>
nblockx = 1<br>
nblocky = 1<br>
lrefine_max = 4<br>
lrefine_min = 2<br>
refine_var_1 = "dens"<br>
refine_var_2 = "tele"<br>
refine_var_3 = "tion"<br>