#gdirec = "y" useGravity = .false. updateGravity = .false. use_steepening = .false. use_cma_flattening = .true. ppm_modifystates = .true. pres_right = 1013250.0 pc_unitsBase = "CGS" # checkpoint file output parameters #checkpointFileIntervalTime = 0 checkpointFileIntervalStep = 100 checkpointFileNumber = 0 particleFileIntervalStep = 100 particleFileNumber = 0 # plotfile output parameters plotfileIntervalTime = 0. plotfileIntervalStep = 0 plotfileNumber = 0 lrefine_min = 1 lrefine_max = 5 nblockx = 50 nblocky = 1 nblockz = 1 geometry = "cartesian" #size of the computational volume nend = 10000 tmax = 2 xmin = 0 xmax = 250 ymin = 0 ymax = 5 zmin = 0 zmax = 1 # Boundary conditions smalle = 1.E-10 xl_boundary_type = "outflow" xr_boundary_type = "reflect" yl_boundary_type = "reflect" yr_boundary_type = "reflect" zl_boundary_type = "reflect" zr_boundary_type = "reflect" #num_particles = 1 #graviy plotfileMetadataDP = .false. useCollectiveHDF5 = .false. useParticles = .false. plot_var_1 = "dens" plot_var_3 = "co2" plot_var_2 = "pres" refine_cutoff_1 = 0.1 derefine_cutoff_1 = 0.1 refine_var_1 = "dens" refine_var_2 = "pres" iProcs = 4 #number or procs in the i direction jProcs = 4 kProcs = 1 useConductivity = .false. useViscosity = .false. diff_visc_nu = 10.0e6 useDiffuse = .false. useDiffuseSpecies = .false. useDiffuseTherm = .false. useDiffuseVisc = .false. #dt_diff_factor = 0.2 smearLen = 1 useSTS = .false. cond_constantIsochoric = 0.02941e5 useSTSforDiffusion = .false. grav_boundary_type = "periodic"