<div dir="ltr"><div><div><div><div><div>Dear community of FLASH users and developers,<br></div> I am new trying to use Hydro libraries of<br></div>FLASH code (/FLASH4.3/source/physics/Hydro/HydroMain/).<br></div>In particular I was able to simulate the WindTunnel example. The default size of is -nxb=8 -nyb=8 and the solutions does not seems to capture the shokwaves in a sharp manner. Then I decided to run another simulation using -nxb=64 -nyb=64 in order to get a well defined shockwave, but the solution is still blurred (I attach a quick view). The AMR mesh seems to have very tiny cells to get a good resolution, but by increasing the parameters -nxb -nyb up to 64 I can not get better results.<br></div>Can anybody give me clue about how to get a well defined shockwave (rho , p, T, fields) ?<br><br></div>Thank you in advance for your time<br><div><div><div><br><div>-- <br><div><div><div><div><div class="gmail_signature">ludmila<br></div>