#flash file for a 1d, 2d, or 3d cellular detonation of carbon # [source/Simulation/SimulationMain/Cellular] # max and min levels of refinement # 5 levels puts about 10 mesh points per burning length scale, and is about # as crude a mesh as one dares to go. in 3d this is the most refinement # levels i've run with. in 2d the most i've run it with is 8 levels in 2d, # which makes some really great pictures. lrefine_max = 4 lrefine_min = 1 # refine on the pressure and density refine_var_1 = "pres" refine_var_2 = "dens" refine_var_3 = "none" refine_var_4 = "none" # refine on the temperature too #refine_var_1 = "pres" #refine_var_2 = "dens" #refine_var_3 = "temp" #refine_var_4 = "none" # names of files basenm = "cellular_" log_file = "cellular.log" # for starting a new run restart = .false. checkpointFileNumber = 0 plotFileNumber = 0 # specify the plot variables plot_var_1 = "pres" plot_var_2 = "si28" # for restarting an old one #restart = .true. #checkpointFileNumber = 57 #plotFileNumber = 125 # dump checkpoint files every checkpointFileIntervalTime seconds checkpointFileIntervalTime = 1.0e-9 #checkpointFileIntervalStep = 1 # dump plot files every plotFileIntervalTime seconds #plotFileIntervalTime = 0.25e-9 plotFileIntervalTime = 1.0e8 # go for nend steps or tmax seconds, whichever comes first nend = 5000 tmax = 5000. # initial and minimum dtinit = 1.0e-16 dtmin = 1.0e-20 # for fine time slices, you may want to limit the timestep #dtmax = 0.0125e-9 # cfl limit, ni56 burner cutoff, artificial viscosity, smallest density # allowed, and smallest temperature allowed cfl = .8 nuclearNI56Max = 1.0 cvisc = 0.1 smlrho = 1.e-2 smallt = 1.e5 # choose integration method 1 = bader-deuflhard, 2 = rosenbrock # rosenbrock is faster under some circumstances. # until i test it some more, i'll stick with the bader-deuflhard. odeStepper = 1 # choose linear algebra package 1 = ma28, 2 = gift # gift is faster under some circumstances, and this problem # satisfies those conditions. either package will get the right answer. algebra = 2 # control when the burner is called, dont call it in the cold stuff nuclearTempMin = 2.1e8 nuclearTempMax = 1.0e12 nuclearDensMin = 1.0e-10 nuclearDensMax = 1.0e14 # set the composition xhe4 = 0.0 xc12 = 1.0 xo16 = 0.0 # upstream fuel conditions for pure carbon tempAmbient = 2.0e8 rhoAmbient = 1.0e7 velxAmbient = 0.0e0 # these are the fuel conditions, for a self-sustained detonation # at the upstream conditions, just after the shock has passed # these values from /f1/fxt/flam/cjdet/cjdet.exe tempPerturb = 4.423e9 rhoPerturb = 4.236e7 velxPerturb = 2.876E+08 # seed the density perturbations with white-noise noiseAmplitude = 1.0e-2 noiseDistance = 5.0 # physical domain xmin = 0.0 #xmax = 256. xmax = 512 ymin = 0.0 ymax = 25.6 #ymax = 12.8 zmin = 0.0 #zmax = 12.8 zmax = 25.6 # put 20 blocks in the x-direction, this will give square grids #nblockx = 20 nblockx = 20 nblocky = 1 nblockz = 1 # apply the jump conditions below a distance of radiusPerturb radiusPerturb = 25.6 xCenterPerturb = 0. yCenterPerturb = 0. zCenterPerturb = 0. usePseudo1d = .true. # cartesian geometry geometry = "cartesian" # reflecting east and west boundaries xl_boundary_type = "reflect" xr_boundary_type = "reflect" # periodix north and south boundaries yl_boundary_type = "periodic" yr_boundary_type = "periodic" # periodic up and down boundaries zl_boundary_type = "periodic" zr_boundary_type = "periodic" # no gravity, but do burn useBurn = .true. useShockBurn = .true. #ichem = 0 # eos options eintSwitch = 1.e-4 eos_coulombMult = 0 ## -------------------------------------------------------------## ## SWITCHES SPECIFIC TO THE UNSPLIT HYDRO SOLVER ## # I. INTERPOLATION SCHEME: order = 2 # Interpolation order (first/second/third/fifth order) slopeLimiter = "mc" # Slope limiters (minmod, mc, vanLeer, hybrid, limited) LimitedSlopeBeta= 1. # Slope parameter for the "limited" slope by Toro charLimiting = .true. # Characteristic limiting vs. Primitive limiting use_avisc = .false. # use artificial viscosity (originally for PPM) #cvisc = 0.1 # coefficient for artificial viscosity use_flattening = .false. # use flattening (dissipative) (originally for PPM) use_steepening = .false. # use contact steepening (originally for PPM) use_upwindTVD = .false. # use upwind biased TVD slope for PPM (need nguard=6) # II. RIEMANN SOLVERS: RiemannSolver = "Roe" # Roe, HLL, HLLC, LLF, Marquina entropy = .false. # Entropy fix for the Roe solver # III. STRONG SHOCK HANDELING SCHEME: shockDetect = .false. # Shock Detect for numerical stability ## -------------------------------------------------------------## ## ---------------------------------------------------------------## ## SWITCHES SPECIFIC TO THE SUPER-TIME-STEPPING (STS) ALGORITHM ## ## NOTE: For details on using STS runtime parameters, please ## ## refer to user's guide (Driver chapter). ## useSTS = .false. nstepTotalSTS = 5 nuSTS = 0.2 ## ---------------------------------------------------------------##