<span style="font-family:SimSun;">Hello!<br>
Thomson scattering is a new function for FLASH4.5. It can be excuted in LaserSlab. (chapter 32.7.6) However, when I excuted the following setup line in usr mannul <br>
<strong>./setup -auto LaserSlab -2d -nxb=16 -nyb=16 +hdf5typeio \</strong><br>
<strong>species=cham,targ +mtmmmt +laser +uhd3t +mgd mgd_meshgroups=6 \</strong><br>
<strong>ed_maxBeams=2 ed_maxPulseSections=4 ed_maxPulses=2 \</strong><br>
<strong>thsc_maxBeams=1 thsc_maxPulseSections=4 thsc_maxPulses=1 thsc_maxDetectors=1 \</strong><br>
<strong>-parfile=example_thsc.par ThscDemo=True</strong><br>
I haven't found the "example_thsc.par" in LaserSlab. Is there anyone know what it is about? Than you very much! Or, what should I do on parfile if I what to add Thomson scattering in LaserSlab?<br>
Zhang<span style="font-family:SimSun;"></span><br>