run_comment = "Laser Slab Example Simulation" log_file = "lasslab.log" basenm = "lasslab_" # This particular parfile is used as an example that is described in # detail in the users guide. # Setup options for this example simulation are: # ./setup -auto LaserSlab -2d -nxb=16 -nyb=16 +hdf5typeio # species=cham,targ +mtmmmt +laser +uhd3t +mgd mgd_meshgroups=6 # ed_maxBeams=2 ed_maxPulseSections=4 ed_maxPulses=2 # thsc_maxBeams=1 thsc_maxPulseSections=4 thsc_maxPulses=1 thsc_maxDetectors=1 # -objdir=LaserSlab_thsc -parfile=example_thsc.par ThscDemo=True +asyncLaser ########################## # # # I/O PARAMETERS # # # ########################## ### Checkpoint Options ### checkpointFileIntervalTime = 1.0 checkpointFileIntervalStep = 1000 ### Plot Options ### plotFileNumber = 0 plotFileIntervalStep = 100 plotFileIntervalTime = 0.01e-09 plot_var_1 = "dens" plot_var_2 = "depo" plot_var_3 = "tele" plot_var_4 = "tion" plot_var_5 = "trad" plot_var_6 = "ye " plot_var_7 = "sumy" plot_var_8 = "cham" plot_var_9 = "targ" plot_var_10 = "lase" plot_var_11 = "pwin" plot_var_12 = "pwia" plot_var_13 = "pwi1" plot_var_14 = "pwi2" plot_var_15 = "pwde" plot_var_16 = "pwd1" plot_var_17 = "pwd2" ### Restart Options ### restart = .false. checkpointFileNumber = 0 ######################################## # # # RADIATION/OPACITY PARAMETERS # # # ######################################## rt_useMGD = .true. rt_mgdNumGroups = 6 rt_mgdBounds_1 = 1.0e-01 rt_mgdBounds_2 = 1.0e+00 rt_mgdBounds_3 = 1.0e+01 rt_mgdBounds_4 = 1.0e+02 rt_mgdBounds_5 = 1.0e+03 rt_mgdBounds_6 = 1.0e+04 rt_mgdBounds_7 = 1.0e+05 rt_mgdFlMode = "fl_harmonic" rt_mgdFlCoef = 1.0 rt_mgdXlBoundaryType = "reflecting" rt_mgdXrBoundaryType = "vacuum" rt_mgdYlBoundaryType = "vacuum" rt_mgdYrBoundaryType = "reflecting" rt_mgdZlBoundaryType = "reflecting" rt_mgdZrBoundaryType = "reflecting" useOpacity = .true. ### SET CHAMBER (HELIUM) OPACITY OPTIONS ### op_chamAbsorb = "op_tabpa" op_chamEmiss = "op_tabpe" op_chamTrans = "op_tabro" op_chamFileType = "ionmix4" op_chamFileName = "he-imx-005.cn4" ### SET TARGET (ALUMINUM) OPACITY OPTIONS ### op_targAbsorb = "op_tabpa" op_targEmiss = "op_tabpe" op_targTrans = "op_tabro" op_targFileType = "ionmix4" op_targFileName = "al-imx-003.cn4" ############################ # # # LASER PARAMETERS # # # ############################ useEnergyDeposition = .true. ed_maxRayCount = 10000 ed_gradOrder = 2 # Activate 3D-in-2D ray trace: ed_laser3Din2D = .true. ed_laser3Din2DwedgeAngle = 0.1 ### LASER IO OPTIONS ### ed_useLaserIO = .FALSE. #ed_laserIOMaxNumberOfPositions = 10000 #ed_laserIOMaxNumberOfRays = 128 ### SETUP LASER PULSES ### # Note: we added 1 to the number of pulses for the # Thomson Scattering probe laser, defined further # below. ed_numberOfPulses = 2 # Define Pulse 1: ed_numberOfSections_1 = 3 ed_time_1_1 = 0.0 ed_time_1_2 = 0.1e-09 ed_time_1_3 = 0.35e-09 #ed_time_1_4 = 1.1e-09 ed_power_1_1 = 0.0 ed_power_1_2 = 1.0e+09 ed_power_1_3 = 1.0e+09 #ed_power_1_4 = 0.0 ### SETUP LASER BEAM ### # Note: we added 1 to the number of beams for the # Thomson Scattering probe laser, defined further # below. ed_numberOfBeams = 2 # Setup Gaussian Beam: ed_lensX_1 = 1000.0e-04 ed_lensY_1 = 0.0e-04 ed_lensZ_1 = -1000.0e-04 ed_lensSemiAxisMajor_1 = 10.0e-04 ed_targetX_1 = 0.0e-04 ed_targetY_1 = 0.0e-04 ed_targetZ_1 = 60.0e-04 ed_targetSemiAxisMajor_1 = 10.0e-04 ed_targetSemiAxisMinor_1 = 10.0e-04 ed_pulseNumber_1 = 1 ed_wavelength_1 = 1.053 ed_crossSectionFunctionType_1 = "gaussian2D" ed_gaussianExponent_1 = 4.0 ed_gaussianRadiusMajor_1 = 7.5e-04 ed_gaussianRadiusMinor_1 = 7.5e-04 ed_numberOfRays_1 = 4096 ed_gridType_1 = "radial2D" ed_gridnRadialTics_1 = 64 ed_semiAxisMajorTorsionAngle_1= 0.0 ed_semiAxisMajorTorsionAxis_1 = "x" # Enable 3D-in-2D ThomsonScattering ray casting: thsc_3Din2D = .true. #thsc_3Din2DwedgeAngle = 0.1 #thsc_logLevel = 500 # 990 thsc_maxRayCount = 10000000 # thsc_detectorFileIntervalStep = 0 thsc_detectorFileIntervalTime = 10.0e-12 # thsc_spectrumFileIntervalStep = 0 thsc_spectrumFileIntervalTime = 5.0e-12 ### SETUP PROBE LASER PULSES FOR Thomson SCATTERING ### thsc_numberOfPulses = 1 # Define ThomsonScattering pulse 1: thsc_numberOfSections_1 = 3 thsc_time_1_1 = 0.3e-09 thsc_time_1_2 = 0.4e-09 thsc_time_1_3 = 0.5e-09 thsc_power_1_1 = 0.1e9 thsc_power_1_2 = 0.5e9 thsc_power_1_3 = 0.5e9 ### SETUP LASER BEAM ### thsc_numberOfBeams = 1 # Setup Gaussian Beam 1: thsc_beamLensX_1 = 45.0e-04 thsc_beamLensY_1 = 5.0e-04 thsc_beamLensZ_1 = 32.5e-04 thsc_lensSemiAxisMajor_1 = 7.5e-04 thsc_beamTargetX_1 = 5.0e-04 thsc_beamTargetY_1 = 5.0e-04 thsc_beamTargetZ_1 = 45.0e-04 thsc_targetSemiAxisMajor_1 = 5.0e-04 thsc_targetSemiAxisMinor_1 = 5.0e-04 thsc_beamPowerMeasureDist1_1 = 40.0e-04 thsc_beamPowerMeasureDist2_1 = 25.0e-04 thsc_pulseNumber_1 = 1 thsc_wavelength_1 = 0.5265 # 1.053 / 2 thsc_crossSectionFunctionType_1 = "gaussian2D" thsc_gaussianExponent_1 = 1.0 thsc_gaussianRadiusMajor_1 = 120.1122e-05 thsc_gaussianRadiusMinor_1 = 120.1122e-05 thsc_semiAxisMajorTorsionAxis_1 = "z" thsc_semiAxisMajorTorsionAngle_1 = 0.0 thsc_gridType_1 = "square2D" thsc_beamDetector_1 = 1 thsc_nSubZonesI = 2 thsc_nSubZonesJ = 2 thsc_nSubZonesK = 72 thsc_numberOfDetectors = 1 #thsc_detectorApertureAngle_1 = 1.0 # 70 # 20 thsc_detectorTargetRadius_1 = 2.5e-04 thsc_detectorCenterX_1 = 5.0e-04 thsc_detectorCenterY_1 = -42.0e-04 thsc_detectorCenterZ_1 = 44.0e-04 thsc_detectorTargetX_1 = 5.0e-04 thsc_detectorTargetY_1 = 5.0e-04 thsc_detectorTargetZ_1 = 44.0e-04 thsc_dOmegaOfDetector_1 = 1.0 thsc_detectorXYwriteFormat = "(1P,G18.8)" #"es18.8" thsc_detectorDGwriteFormat = "(-1PG15.5)" #"es15.5" thsc_detectorWriteAnglesInDeg = .TRUE. thsc_detectorWriteTempInKeV = .TRUE. thsc_detectorFileAllowOverwrite = .TRUE. thsc_computeSpectra = .TRUE. thsc_spectrumFileAllowOverwrite = .TRUE. thsc_spectrumLamsMin_1 = 525.75 # minimum scattered wavelength (nm) thsc_spectrumLamsMax_1 = 527.25 # maximum scattered wavelength (nm) thsc_spectrumNpts_1 = 1000 # 50000 thsc_detectedRayDiagnostics = .TRUE. thsc_printPulses = .TRUE. thsc_printBeams = .TRUE. thsc_printDetectors = .TRUE. thsc_printMain = .TRUE. threadThomsonScBlockList = .FALSE. threadThomsonScWithinBlock = .false. ### SET UP LASER PULSE TO IMPLEMENT HEATING ### ### BY THE PROBE LASER FOR Thomson SCATTERING ### # Define Pulse 2: ed_numberOfSections_2 = 3 ed_time_2_1 = 0.3e-09 ed_time_2_2 = 0.4e-09 ed_time_2_3 = 0.5e-09 ed_power_2_1 = 0.1e9 ed_power_2_2 = 0.5e9 ed_power_2_3 = 0.5e9 ### SET UP LASER BEAM TO IMPLEMENT HEATING ### ### BY THE PROBE LASER FOR Thomson SCATTERING ### ### SETUP LASER BEAM ### # Setup Gaussian Beam 2: ed_lensX_2 = 45.0e-04 ed_lensY_2 = 5.0e-04 ed_lensZ_2 = 30.0e-04 ed_lensSemiAxisMajor_2 = 10.0e-04 ed_targetX_2 = 5.0e-04 ed_targetY_2 = 5.0e-04 ed_targetZ_2 = 45.0e-04 ed_targetSemiAxisMajor_2 = 5.0e-04 ed_targetSemiAxisMinor_2 = 5.0e-04 ed_pulseNumber_2 = 2 ed_wavelength_2 = 0.5265 # 1.053 / 2 ed_crossSectionFunctionType_2 = "gaussian2D" ed_gaussianExponent_2 = 1.0 ed_gaussianRadiusMajor_2 = 2.5e-04 #120.1122e-05 ed_gaussianRadiusMinor_2 = 2.5e-04 #120.1122e-05 ed_semiAxisMajorTorsionAxis_2 = "z" ed_semiAxisMajorTorsionAngle_2 = 0.0 ed_gridType_2 = "square2D" ed_numberOfRays_2 = 1000 # 4000 ################################# # # # CONDUCTION PARAMETERS # # # ################################# useDiffuse = .true. useConductivity = .true. diff_useEleCond = .true. diff_eleFlMode = "fl_larsen" diff_eleFlCoef = 0.06 diff_thetaImplct = 1.0 diff_eleXlBoundaryType = "outflow" diff_eleXrBoundaryType = "outflow" diff_eleYlBoundaryType = "outflow" diff_eleYrBoundaryType = "outflow" diff_eleZlBoundaryType = "outflow" diff_eleZrBoundaryType = "outflow" #################################### # # # HEAT EXCHANGE PARAMETERS # # # #################################### useHeatexchange = .true. ########################## # # # EOS PARAMETERS # # # ########################## eosModeInit = "dens_temp_gather" smallt = 1.0 smallx = 1.0e-99 eos_useLogTables = .false. ############################ # # # HYDRO PARAMETERS # # # ############################ useHydro = .true. order = 3 # Interpolation order (first/second/third/fifth order) slopeLimiter = "minmod" # Slope limiters (minmod, mc, vanLeer, hybrid, limited) LimitedSlopeBeta = 1. # Slope parameter for the "limited" slope by Toro charLimiting = .true. # Characteristic limiting vs. Primitive limiting use_avisc = .true. # use artificial viscosity (originally for PPM) cvisc = 0.1 # coefficient for artificial viscosity use_flattening = .false. # use flattening (dissipative) (originally for PPM) use_steepening = .false. # use contact steepening (originally for PPM) use_upwindTVD = .false. # use upwind biased TVD slope for PPM (need nguard=6) RiemannSolver = "hllc" # Roe, HLL, HLLC, LLF, Marquina, hybrid entropy = .false. # Entropy fix for the Roe solver shockDetect = .false. # Shock Detect for numerical stability use_hybridOrder = .true. # Enforce Riemann density jump # Hydro boundary conditions: xl_boundary_type = "reflect" xr_boundary_type = "outflow" yl_boundary_type = "outflow" yr_boundary_type = "outflow" zl_boundary_type = "reflect" zr_boundary_type = "reflect" ############################## # # # INITIAL CONDITIONS # # # ############################## sim_targetRadius = 200.0e-04 sim_targetHeight = 20.0e-04 sim_vacuumHeight = 60.0e-04 # Target material defaults set for Aluminum at room temperature: sim_rhoTarg = 2.7 sim_teleTarg = 290.11375 sim_tionTarg = 290.11375 sim_tradTarg = 290.11375 ms_targA = 26.9815386 ms_targZ = 13.0 ms_targZMin = 0.02 eos_targEosType = "eos_tab" eos_targSubType = "ionmix4" eos_targTableFile = "al-imx-003.cn4" # Chamber material defaults set for Helium at pressure 1.6 mbar: sim_rhoCham = 1.0e-06 sim_teleCham = 290.11375 sim_tionCham = 290.11375 sim_tradCham = 290.11375 ms_chamA = 4.002602 ms_chamZ = 2.0 eos_chamEosType = "eos_tab" eos_chamSubType = "ionmix4" eos_chamTableFile = "he-imx-005.cn4" ########################### # # # TIME PARAMETERS # # # ########################### tstep_change_factor = 1.10 cfl = 0.8 dr_usePosdefComputeDt = .TRUE. dr_numPosdefVars = 1 dr_posdefVar_1 = "eion" dr_posdefDtFactor = 0.6 dt_diff_factor = 1.0e+100 # Disable diffusion dt rt_dtFactor = 1.0e+100 hx_dtFactor = 1.0e+100 tmax = 2.0e-09 dtmin = 1.0e-16 dtinit = 1.0e-15 dr_dtMinContinue = 1.0e-16 dr_dtMinBelowAction = 1 # write chkpt then abort dtmax = 3.0e-09 nend = 100000 ########################### # # # MESH PARAMETERS # # # ########################### geometry = "cylindrical" # Domain size: xmin = 0.0 xmax = 40.0e-04 ymin = 0.0e-04 ymax = 80.0e-04 # Total number of blocks: nblockx = 1 nblocky = 2 lrefine_max = 4 lrefine_min = 1 refine_var_1 = "dens" refine_var_2 = "tele"