# Coniguration file for LaserSlab simulation REQUIRES Driver REQUIRES physics/Hydro USESETUPVARS ThreeT IF ThreeT REQUESTS physics/Diffuse/DiffuseMain/Unsplit REQUESTS physics/sourceTerms/Heatexchange/HeatexchangeMain/Spitzer REQUESTS physics/materialProperties/Conductivity/ConductivityMain/SpitzerHighZ ENDIF # This simulation requires specifying the species via the setup # line. You must include the species setup variable: # # species=cham,targ # # An example of a setup line for this simulation is: # # ./setup -auto LaserSlab -2d +hdf5typeio \ # -nxb=16 -nyb=16 +mtmmmt +laser species=cham,targ # DATAFILES al-imx-002.cn4 DATAFILES al-imx-003.cn4 DATAFILES he-imx-005.cn4 DATAFILES al-imx-003.ses DATAFILES he-imx-005.ses ########################## # # # RUNTIME PARAMETERS # # # ########################## D sim_initGeom Use a spherical target if sphere, default to slab PARAMETER sim_initGeom STRING "slab" ["slab","sphere"] D sim_targetRadius The radius to use for the target PARAMETER sim_targetRadius REAL 0.0050 D sim_targetHeight The height of the target off y-axis PARAMETER sim_targetHeight REAL 0.0250 D sim_vacuumHeight The thickness of the vacuum region in front of the target PARAMETER sim_vacuumHeight REAL 0.0200 # Target material defaults set for aluminum at room temperature: D sim_rhoTarg Initial target density PARAMETER sim_rhoTarg REAL 2.7 D sim_teleTarg Initial target electron temperature PARAMETER sim_teleTarg REAL 290.11375 D sim_tionTarg Initial target ion temperature PARAMETER sim_tionTarg REAL 290.11375 D sim_tradTarg Initial target radiation temperature PARAMETER sim_tradTarg REAL 290.11375 D sim_zminTarg target minimum zbar allowed PARAMETER sim_zminTarg REAL 0.0 D sim_rhoWind PARAMETER sim_rhoWind REAL 1.0e-03 D sim_eosTarg chamber EOS type PARAMETER sim_eosTarg STRING "eos_tab" ["eos_tab","eos_gam"] # Chamber material defaults set for Helium at pressure 1.6 mbar: D sim_rhoCham Initial chamber density PARAMETER sim_rhoCham REAL 1.0e-05 D sim_teleCham Initial chamber electron temperature PARAMETER sim_teleCham REAL 290.11375 D sim_tionCham Initial chamber ion temperature PARAMETER sim_tionCham REAL 290.11375 D sim_tradCham Initial chamber radiation temperature PARAMETER sim_tradCham REAL 290.11375 D sim_eosCham chamber EOS type PARAMETER sim_eosCham STRING "eos_gam" ["eos_tab","eos_gam"] # Additional directives for demoing Thomson Scattering diagnostics follow. # To enable, add something like ThscDemo=True to to setup command line. D lase_variable saves (density of) the irradiated energy from EnergyDeposition unit, cf. RP ed_irradVarName VARIABLE lase TYPE: PER_VOLUME # Laser Parameters D ed_numBeams Number of laser beams PARAMETER ed_numBeams INTEGER 1 D ed_numRays_1 Number of rays for beam 1 PARAMETER ed_numRays_1 INTEGER 100000 D ed_numSections_3 Number of sections for pulse 3 PARAMETER ed_numSections_3 INTEGER 5 # Radiation Transfer Parameters D rt_useMGD Whether to use multigroup diffusion PARAMETER rt_useMGD BOOLEAN .true. [.true., .false.] D rt_mgdNumGroups Number of multigroup diffusion groups PARAMETER rt_mgdNumGroups INTEGER 6 D rt_mgdBounds Lower and upper bounds for multigroup diffusion groups PARAMETER rt_mgdBounds REAL 1.0e-01, 1.0e+00, 1.0e+01, 1.0e+02, 1.0e+03, 1.0e+04, 1.0e+05 D geometry Simulation geometry PARAMETER geometry STRING "cylindrical" D xl_boundary_type Left boundary condition PARAMETER xl_boundary_type STRING "reflect" D xr_boundary_type Right boundary condition PARAMETER xr_boundary_type STRING "outflow" D yl_boundary_type Lower boundary condition PARAMETER yl_boundary_type STRING "outflow" D yr_boundary_type Upper boundary condition PARAMETER yr_boundary_type STRING "outflow" D zl_boundary_type Front boundary condition PARAMETER zl_boundary_type STRING "reflect" D zr_boundary_type Back boundary condition PARAMETER zr_boundary_type STRING "reflect" D smallt Minimum temperature PARAMETER smallt REAL 1.0 D smallx Minimum mass fraction PARAMETER smallx REAL 1.0e-99 USESETUPVARS ThscDemo IF ThscDemo REQUIRES diagnostics/ThomsonScattering # No *essential* VARIABLE declarations follow, these are for Thomson Scattering tracing. D pwin_variable for debugging: density of Power In from Thomson probe laser, used for power measurement and renorming D pwia_variable for debugging: density of Power In, except where forbidden by critical density D pwi1_variable for debugging: density of Power In, attenuated by close-to-critical energy loss. Expensive computation. D pwi2_variable for debugging: density of Power In, attenuated by close-to-critical energy loss along both legs D pwde_variable for debugging: density of Power of light from the Thomson scattering region that gets detected D pwd1_variable for debugging: density of Power of light from the Thomson scattering region that gets detected, attenuated D pwd2_variable for debugging: density of Power of light from the Thomson scattering region that gets detected, (2 legs) attenuated VARIABLE pwin VARIABLE pwia # VARIABLE pwi1 # Uncommenting this makes ThomsonScattering MUCH slower! VARIABLE pwde # VARIABLE pwda VARIABLE pwd1 VARIABLE pwi2 VARIABLE pwd2 ENDIF