<html><body><div style="font-family: arial, helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 12pt; color: #000000"><div data-marker="__QUOTED_TEXT__"><div style="font-family:'arial' , 'helvetica' , sans-serif;font-size:12pt;color:#000000"><div><div style="font-family:'arial' , 'helvetica' , sans-serif;font-size:12pt;color:#000000"><div>Dear Flash users,</div></div><div style="font-family:'arial' , 'helvetica' , sans-serif;font-size:12pt;color:#000000"><br><div>I am trying to extract some data from an .hdf file created with VisIt from FLASH simulations to use them with python.</div><div>A colleague of mine (Meirielen Caetano de Sousa at CELIA) is using it from a few months Flash and VisIt but we are still beginners.</div><div>The issue that I am encountering is that the meshgrid is adaptative during the whole simulation, and also non-uniform on the different axes.</div><div>In order to use correctly and efficiently the extracted data, I should need to recreate the meshgrid that is produced by Flash and to do so, I would need the accurate parameters that are stored in the .hdf file.</div><div>There are many variables that can be stored in the output files, such as 'block size', 'coordinates', or 'tele' (electron temperature).</div><div>My issue is that I do not know how to recreate the meshgrid (example given attached) with the variables I have access.</div><div>To explain more specifically my issue, the data array 'tele' that I want to use has a shape (294, 1, 16, 16).</div><div>The data array 'coordinates' of shape (294, 3) seems to give the location of a group of pixels of size (16, 16) according to the shape of 'tele' but the information about the size of the group, contained in 'block size' I suppose, is difficult to be used.</div><div>In the end, it is a puzzle that I do not have all the keys to finish.</div><div>Does it exist a specific python package that permits to use more easily such .hdf files ?</div><div>Do I have to use VisIt to save in a different format the data to properly use them with python ?</div><div>Do you have some documentation about how the data are plotted with VisIt ?</div><br><div>Thank you for your help.</div><div>With my sincere salutations,</div><br><div>Adrien Da Ros, PhD<br>Post-doctorant<br>CELIA - Université de Bordeaux<br>Mail: adrien.da-ros@u-bordeaux.fr</div></div></div></div><br></div></div></body></html>