Generated from /data/asci2/site/flashcode/secure/release_4p6/source/Grid/Grid_getBlkData.F90 with ROBODoc v4.99.8 on Thu May 02 07:54:08 2024


[Functions] source/Grid/Grid_getBlkData





  Grid_getBlkData(integer(IN) :: blockID,
                  integer(IN) :: gridDataStruct,
                  integer(IN) :: structIndex,
                  integer(IN) :: beginCount, 
                  integer(IN) :: startingPos(MDIM),
                  real(OUT)   :: datablock(dataSize(1),dataSize(2), dataSize(3)),
                  integer(IN) :: dataSize(3))


  This routine allows the user to get an entire block or any contiguous
  part of a block of data depending on the arguments passed.
  The data could be either a single variable in one of the grid data 
  structures such as cell centered/face centered/scratch, or it could
  be quantities derived from the size of the cell, such as cell volume/
  face area for all the cells in the specified portion of the block

  The user is also allowed to specify if index counting 
  should begin at the exterior edge of the block (that is including 
  guardcells), or the interior edge of the block.

  For 3 dimensional problems, a 3d block is returned.
  For 2 dimensional problems, a 2d block/plane is returned.
  For 1 dimensional problems, a 1d block/row is returned.


  blockID : the local blockid

  gridDataStruct : integer value specifying the type of data desired.
             Valid options are either one of the Grid data structures,
             or one of the derived quantities such as the cell volume
             or the cell area.

             The options are defined in constants.h and they are :
                   CENTER cell centered variables
                   FACEX  face centered variable on faces along IAXIS
                   FACEY  face centered variable on faces along JAXIS
                   FACEZ  face centered variable on faces along IAXIS
                   WORK   single, cell centered variable, valid only
                          for paramesh
                   SCRATCH scratch space that can fit cell and face centered variables
                   SCRATCH_CTR scratch space for cell centered variables
                   SCRATCH_FACEX scratch space facex variables
                   SCRATCH_FACEY scratch space facey variables
                   SCRATCH_FACEZ scratch space facez variables
                   CELL_VOLUME volumes of specified cells 
                   CELL_FACEAREA face area for the specified cells on 
                                 specified face 
  structIndex : integer value that provides index into the specified data
                structure. When gridDataStruct is one of the grid data structures
                structIndex translates to a specific variable in that 
                data structure, for example: DENS_VAR or PRES_VAR (define in
                Flash.h) if gridDataStruct = CENTER.

                For gridDataStruct=CELL_VOLUME it has no meaning

                For gridDataStruct = CELL_FACEAREA, it can take one of 
                defined in constants.h

  beginCount : tells the routine where to start index counting.  beginCount can
               be set to INTERIOR or EXTERIOR.  If INTERIOR is specified
               guardcell indices are not included and index 1 is the first interior cell. 
               If EXTERIOR is specified
               the first index, 1, is the left most guardcell.  See example
               below for more explanation.  (For most of the FLASH architecture code,
               we use EXTERIOR.  Some physics routines, however, find it helpful 
               only to work on the internal parts of the blocks (without
               guardcells) and wish to keep loop indicies  
               going from 1 to NXB without having to worry about finding 
               the correct offset for the number of guardcells.) 
               (INTERIOR and EXTERIOR are defined in constants.h)

           specifies the starting position of the block being fetched
           startingPos(1) = i
           startingPos(2) = j
           startingPos(3) = k

           If a problem is 2 dimensions startingPos(3) is irrelevant and
           ignored.  For 1d problems startingPos(2) and startingPos(3) 
           are ignored.

  datablock : a real 3 dimensional array containing the data returned
              The dimensions for datablock are 
              datablock(irange, jrange, krange) 
              Various compilers require the dimensions of
              datablock to be specified explicitly.  They are defined by 
              the next argument "dataSize".  

  dataSize : an integer array specifying the dimensions for datablock
          dataSize(1) holds the number of cells returned in the i direction

          dataSize(2) holds the number of cells returned in the j direction
                      if 1 dim problem set dataSize(2) = 1

          dataSize(3) holds the number of cells returned in the k direction
                      if 1 or 2 dim problem set dataSize(3) = 1


    EXAMPLE 1:  
    Here is a 3d block example getting the entire block of cell centered 
    data, including guardcells,
    for each block on a local processor.  beginCount is set to EXTERIOR
    meaning that the first cell of the block including guardcells is 
    index = 1.  If in this example, NGUARD = 4 then position 5 is the
    first interior cell in a dimension.

    (Can't really draw 3d for this example, but this
     picture is meant to help show where 
     counting begins when "beginCount" is set to EXTERIOR)
    16         - - - - - - - -  
    15         - - - - - - - - 
    14         - - - - - - - - 
    13         - - - - - - - - 
    12 - - - -|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|- - - -
    11 - - - -|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|- - - -
    10 - - - -|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|- - - -
     9 - - - -|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|- - - -
     8 - - - -|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|- - - -
     7 - - - -|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|- - - -
     6 - - - -|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|- - - -
     5 - - - -|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|- - - -
     4         - - - - - - - - 
     3         - - - - - - - - 
     2         - - - - - - - - 
     1         - - - - - - - - 
 i     1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10111213141516 
    #include "Flash.h"
    #include "constants.h"

      integer ::    startingPos(MDIM)
      integer ::    dataSize(3)
      integer ::    blockID
      real    ::    dataBlock(:,:,:)
          startingPos(1) = 1 !getting the entire extent of dim   
          startingPos(2) = 1 !getting the entire extent of dim
          startingPos(3) = 1 !getting the entire extent of dim

          dataSize(1) = blkLimitsGC(IAXIS) !This is equivalent to NXB + 2*NGUARD 
                                           !in FIXEDBLOCKSIZE mode
          dataSize(2) = blkLimitsGC(JAXIS) !This is equivalent to NYB + 2*NGUARD
                                           !in FIXEDBLOCKSIZE mode
          dataSize(3) = blkLimitsGC(KAXIS) !This is equivalent to NZB + 2*NGUARD
                                           !in FIXEDBLOCKSIZE mode

          allocate(datablock(dataSize(1), dataSize(2), dataSize(3)))

          do blockID = 1, localNumBlocks
             call Grid_getBlkData(blockID, CENTER, DENS_VAR, EXTERIOR, &
                               startingPos, dataBlock, dataSize)
          end do

    EXAMPLE 2:
    In this 2d block example we will get cell volume of only a portion 
    of the interior part of a block for each block on the local processor.
    beginCount is set to INTERIOR, meaning that all the startPos indices
    will start where index 1 is the first interior cell of the block.
    In this example we will get only the last 2 columns of interior cells.
    i start position = 7, j start position = 1.  (Because this is only a 2d
    problem Grid_getPlaneData could also be used to get these cells.)

    (Hard to draw, but this is the idea, stars (*) are the cells to return.
     Notice where index counting starts when beginCount is set to INTERIOR)
            - - - - - - - - 
            - - - - - - - - 
            - - - - - - - - 
     j      - - - - - - - - 
     8 ----|-|-|-|-|-|-|*|*|----
     7 ----|-|-|-|-|-|-|*|*|----
     6 ----|-|-|-|-|-|-|*|*|----
     5 ----|-|-|-|-|-|-|*|*|----
     4 ----|-|-|-|-|-|-|*|*|----
     3 ----|-|-|-|-|-|-|*|*|----
     2 ----|-|-|-|-|-|-|*|*|----
     1 ----|-|-|-|-|-|-|*|*|----
            - - - - - - - - 
            - - - - - - - - 
            - - - - - - - - 
            - - - - - - - - 
         i  1-2-3-4 5-6-7-8 

    #include "Flash.h"
    #include "constants.h"

      integer ::    startingPos(MDIM)
      integer ::    dataSize(3)
      integer ::    blockID
      real    ::    dataBlock(:,:,:)
          startingPos(1) = 7    
          startingPos(2) = 1
          startingPos(3) = 1 !value ignored since only 2d

          dataSize(1) = 2 !just getting 2 cells in the i dir
          dataSize(2) = 8 !just getting 8 cells in the j dir
          dataSize(3) = 1 !needs to be set to 1, since only 2d problem

          allocate(datablock(dataSize(1), dataSize(2), dataSize(3)))

          do blockID = 1, localNumBlocks
             call Grid_getBlkData(blockID, CELL_VOLUME, 0, INTERIOR, &
                               startingPos, dataBlock, dataSize)
          end do