Generated from /data/asci2/site/flashcode/secure/release_4p6/source/IO/IO_output.F90 with ROBODoc v4.99.8 on Thu May 02 07:54:08 2024


[Functions] source/IO/IO_output





  IO_output(real(in)              :: simTime, 
            real(in)              :: dt,
            integer(in)           :: nstep,
            integer(in)           :: nbegin,
            logical(out)          :: endRun,
            integer(in), optional :: outputType)


  This routine is called after every sweep to check if it is time to
  output.  Checkpoints and plotfiles and .dat files
  are handled through this function.
  A checkpoint can be triggered in a few different ways.  First, enough
  wall clock time has elapsed since the code has started running that
  we want to force a checkpoint now.  This is controlled by the
  wall_clock_checkpoint runtime parameter.  This is always timed from
  the start of execution of the code, and not since the last checkpoint,
  so we can ensure that we get a checkpoint dumped right before the
  queue window closes.  Checkpoints are also produced after a given
  amount of simulation time has elapsed -- this is controlled by the
  checkpointFileIntervalTime runtime parameter.  Finally, a checkpoint can be forced in
  to be produced every checkpointFileIntervalStep timesteps or by creating .dump_checkpoint
  file in the execution directory.

  Plotfiles are produced equally spaced in simulation time, tplot time
  units apart. They can also be produced on demand by temporarily creating
  .dump_plotfile execution control file.

  After every sweep, IO_writeIntegralQuantities is called to compute some global
  quantities and write them to the flash.dat file.

  A checkpoint is given a name according to the basename (specified
  via the basenm runtime parameter) and the filetype (pnetcdf,
  HDF5).  Each separate checkpoint is given a unique number suffix.  The
  value to start with (or restart from if this simulation was a restart
  from a previous checkpoint) is set by the checkpointFileNumber runtime parameter.
  Or if it is a restart, checkpointFileNumber can be saved as a scalar in the checkpoint

  Execution will be aborted immediately if .kill file is present
  in the execution directory. If .dump_restart is present then a
  checkpoint file is saved before aborting execution.

  For more detail about runtime parameters controlling IO output
  look at the IO/common Config file or the setup_params text file
  written to the object directory.


  simTime - simulation time
  dt - timestep
  nstep - current time step number
  nbegin - beginning time step number, if starting from scratch this is 0,
      it could be different in case of restart
  endRun - will be set to .TRUE. on return if existence of a .dump_restart or
      a .kill file was detected; .FALSE. otherwise.
  outputType - an integer that denotes the type of output files you expect to 
               generate with this call. If this argument is omitted IO_output
               will test to see if it is time to output every kind of file.


  Variables that start with "io_", like io_checkpointFileNumber and io_checkpointFileIntervalTime
  are located in the IO_data fortran 
  module.  The "io_" is meant to indicated that this variable has
  IO Unit scope.  Variable without the "io_" in front are local
  variables to this subroutine.

  The outputType argument has a series of constants declared in constants.h which
  allow you to state which filed you wish to have output (povided that the normal 
  output conditions are met) by this call.  The options are:


  If the optional outputType arguemnt is omitted, ALL_FILES is assumed.


  For visualization purposes, the data is restricted up the entire tree,
  so the data is valid on all levels.  This allows multi-resolution vis
  techniques to be applied.  Immediately after checkpointing or writing
  a plotfile is the only time the data is guaranteed to be valid on all


   IO_writeCheckpoint, IO_writeIntegralQuantities, IO_writeParticles,
   IO_writePlotfile, IO_writeUserArray, IO_setScalar