Generated from /data/asci2/site/flashcode/secure/release_4p6/source/IO/IO_writeCheckpoint.F90 with ROBODoc v4.99.8 on Thu May 02 07:54:08 2024


[Functions] source/IO/IO_writeCheckpoint





  call IO_writeCheckpoint() 


  This is a generic call to write the important simulation data to a
  checkpoint file.  A checkpoint file writes a few different types
  of data to a file, first the physical data like, temperature,
  pressure, density etc. which are stored in each cell on the grid.
  Second, in order to recreate the simulation from a checkpoint file
  a number of other single quantities are needed as well.  We call
  these scalar values which include simTime, dt, nstep,
  globalNumBlocks etc.  We also store descriptive strings that
  describe the simulation run.

  The same IO_writeCheckpoint routine is called regardless of the
  type of file being written, (such as hdf5 parallel, hdf5 serial or
  pnetcdf) IO_writeCheckpoint prepares the Grid_ioData (like getting
  the globalNumBlocks) and collects the scalars wanting to be
  checkpointed from each unit. IO_writeCheckpoint then calls four
  methods, io_initFile, io_writeData, IO_writeParticles and
  io_closeFile.  Each of these routines _is_ specific to the type of
  io library used and have their own implementation.  In addition,
  io_writeData has its own implementation for io library and type of
  grid (UG, Paramesh, or other)

  In FLASH IO_writeCheckpoint is called from IO_output (or
  IO_outputInitial or IO_outputFinal) IO_output checks to see if
  enough wall clock time, simTim, or nsteps has passed to

  We have put IO_writeCheckpoint in the API because a user may want
  to write a checkpoint at another time or for another reason
  without having to go through IO_output.  For most flash users
  IO_writeCheckpoint will only ever be called through IO_output



  For those familiar with FLASH2, breaking up the checkpoint routine
  into these four different methods is a change.  Because FLASH3 now
  supports different grid packages and we are committed to
  supporting both hdf5 and parallel netCDF having each grid and io
  library writing its own checkpoint file proved to be a lot of code
  duplication.  We believe that while dividing up the checkpoint
  routines created more files it will in the end be easier to

