Generated from /data/asci2/site/flashcode/secure/release_4p6/source/IO/IO_writeParticles.F90 with ROBODoc v4.99.8 on Thu May 02 07:54:08 2024


[Functions] source/IO/IO_writeParticles





 IO_writeParticles(logical(in) :: particlesToCheckpoint)


     This routine writes out the particle data.  This is a general routine
     which will then call io_writeParticleData which is a routine specific
     to either hdf5 or parallel netcdf, or a plain old fortran write.

     Particle data is written in two places.  First, particle data must be
     included in the checkpoint (restart) files in order to capture the 
     entire state of the simulation and to be able to restart.  Often, however,
     particle data needs to be written very frequently and is written to its 
     own particle file without any other mesh data. It is possible to 
     separate the particles from the 
     checkpoint files because particles are not associated with the mesh data.

     Particles are written in double precision to a checkpoint file and
     single precision in particle plotfiles  

     The functionality of writing the particle data to a checkpoint file or
     a particle plotfile is the same so to eliminate code duplication we 
     have added an argument to the IO_writeParticles interface to indicate
     if we are writing particles to a checkpoint file or to a particle file.
     (see below)


      particlesToCheckpoint -  logical value - .true. if particles are
                               written to a checkpoint. .false. if particles
                               are written to a particle plot file


   To control particle output there are a few different parameters
   Check the flash online documentation or users guide for a more detailed

   particleFileNumber - integer.  current particle file number
   particleFileIntervalTime - Amount of simulation time in seconds
                              between particle file dumps

   particleFileIntervalStep - Number of steps between particle file dumps