Generated from /data/asci2/site/flashcode/secure/release_4p6/source/monitors/Logfile/Logfile_writeSummary.F90 with ROBODoc v4.99.8 on Thu May 02 07:54:08 2024


[Functions] source/monitors/Logfile/Logfile_writeSummary





   Logfile_writeSummary(character(len=*):: strArr(length,dim),
                        integer(in)     :: length,
                        integer(in)     :: dim,
                        integer(in)     :: strLen,
                        integer(in)     :: numHeaders,
                   logical(in),optional :: reduced,
                   logical(in),optional :: separateFiles)


   Logfile_writeSummary writes the data handed to it by the Timers unit.
   Logfile_writeSummary does not do any of the performance calculations.  Its only
   role is to format the data handed to it by Timers and write the data neatly to the

   The summary implemented here has two sections: a header section
   and a timers summary listing section.  The header section has two columns
   in each row, a name and a value, and there are numHeaders rows of
   these.  strArr(1:numHeaders,1) hold the names, and strArr(1:numHeaders,2) holds the
   values.  strArr(numHeaders+1, :) holds strings that are the column names 
   for the timers summary listing section.  strArr(numHeaders+2:, 1) holds the 
   amount of indentation for each timer, and strArr(numHeadears+2:, 2:) holds 
   the data for each of the columns in timers summary. 

   There are two kinds of summaries that may be generated:
    - the "traditional" summary, which contains timing information collected only
      for the processor writing to the log file, normally processor 0; and
    - a summary with timing information "reduced" across all processors.


   strArr  - array holding all the run summary information (like evolved zones, seconds
             in monitoring period, etc).  The first rows hold header information,
             the next hold timer summary information. 
   length  - first dimension of strArr; the number of headers + the number 
             of lines in the summary, + 1 for the summary column names
   dim     - the number of columns in the timer summary + 1 for the indentation 
             of the timers
   strLen  - length of each string entry (likely MAX_STRING_LENGTH)
   numHeaders - the number of name/value pairs in the header of the summary
   reduced - if present and .TRUE., generate summary of reduced timer data;
             otherwise generate a normal local-processor summary.
   separateFiles - if true, every processor writes its summary to its own file named
                   timer_summary_<process id>


  A typical one-processor summary will look like this:

 perf_summary: code performance summary
                      beginning : 03-29-2006  19:23.18
                         ending : 03-29-2006  19:23.25
   seconds in monitoring period :                6.870
         number of subintervals :                   11
        number of evolved zones :                15680
               zones per second :             2282.359
 accounting unit                       time sec  num calls   secs avg  time pct
 initialization                          0.469      1           0.469     6.828
  guardcell internal                     0.104      8           0.013     1.515
 evolution                               6.400      1           6.400    93.158
  hydro                                  5.943     20           0.297    86.507


  The user will likely never call this routine directly.  Developers will need to
  understand it if output format to logfile is changed.