Generated from /data/asci2/site/flashcode/secure/release_4p6/source/physics/Eos/Eos_getData.F90 with ROBODoc v4.99.8 on Thu May 02 07:54:08 2024


[Functions] source/physics/Eos/Eos_getData





  call Eos_getData(  integer(IN) :: axis,
                     integer(IN) :: pos(MDIM),
                     integer(IN) :: vecLen,
                  real, pointer  :: solnData(:,:,:,:),
                     integer(IN) :: gridDataStruct,
                     real(OUT)   :: eosData(:),
            optional,real(OUT)   :: massFrac(:),
         optional,logical(INOUT) :: eosMask(EOS_VARS+1:) )


 Eos_getData gets data from a Grid data structure into an eosData array, for
 passing to a subsequent Eos call. Additionally, mass fractions from the Grid
 data structure may be extracted to the optional massFrac argument array.

 The Eos_wrapped function is provided for the user's convenience and acts as a simple
 wrapper to the Eos interface. The Eos interface uses a single, flexible data
 structure "eosData" to pass the thermodynamic quantities in and out of the
 function (see Eos). The wrapper hides formation and use of eosData
 from the users. The wrapper function uses the Eos_getData function to construct the 
 data structure eosData.

 While Eos does not know anything about blocks, Eos_getData takes its
 input thermodynamic state variables from a given block's storage area,
 a vector at a time. It works by taking a selected vector of a block
 described by the arguments axis, pos and vecLen.


   axis : the dimension of the vector in the block's storage
   pos  : the starting indices of the vector in the block. Note that the
          vector has to provide the starting indices for all dimensions
   vecLen : the length of the vector
   solnData: data from the current block; unmodified on return.
              various components (variables) of solnData will determine the
              contents of eosData.
   gridDataStruct : the relevant grid data structure, on whose data Eos was applied.
                    One of CENTER, FACEVAR{X,Y,Z}, GRIDVAR, defined in constants.h .
   eosData : the data structure native to the Eos unit; input and to Eos() as
             well as output from Eos().
   massFrac : this is an optional argument which is used when there is more 
              than one species in the simulation
   eosMask : if the caller passes in an eosMask array, Eos_getData may modify
             this mask for the following Eos() calls, probably removing
             some of the requested derived quantities.
             Not used in the current implementation.


      if axis = IAXIS, pos(IAXIS)=1,pos(JAXIS)=1,pos(KAXIS)=1 and vecLen=4
      then Eos is to be applied to four cells in the first row along IAXIS
      of the lower left hand corner of the guard cells in the block. 

      However if the value were
         pos(KAXIS)=kguard+1, vecLen = NYB, and axis = JAXIS
      then Eos is applied to the first column along Y axis in the interior of the block.


      This interface is called from Eos_wrappped, and is normally not called
      by user code directly.

      The actual arguments in a call should match those used in a subsequent
      Eos_putData call that will extract results from the Eos() call out of
      the eosData array.

      This interface is defined in Fortran Module 
      Eos_interface. All functions calling this routine should include
      a statement like
      use Eos_interface, ONLY : Eos_putData

      This routine cannot use "INTERIOR" mode of indexing the range.  In the
      second example given above, although only the interior cells are being
      calculated with EOS, the range indices still must include the guard cells.
      See, for example, IsentropicVortex/Simulation_initBlock where the data is
      generated on INTERIOR cells with Grid_putRowData, but the same indices can't
      be used for the EOS call.

