[FLASH-BUGS] small bug in conductivity

David J. Lin dlin at vela.astro.northwestern.edu
Tue Apr 2 13:17:24 CST 2002


In the current conductivity.F90 for the "stellar" conductivity module
(/source/materials/conductivity/stellar/), there appears to be a bug which
is related to the recent switch from FLASH1.6 to FLASH2.0.  Specifically,
the current routine wants to include "network_common.fh", which is no
longer used in FLASH2.0.

I've attached the file with my simple fixes to the problem, calling the 
multifluid database to fill in the zion and aion variables.  For your 
convenience, I prefaced with "### NU ADD ###" the lines which I added or 

I'm fairly certain these fixes will do the trick, but if I've made a
mistake, or if there's an easier or more efficient fix, please let me


-------------- next part --------------
      subroutine conductivity(xtemp,xden,massfrac,cond,diff_coeff)

      use dBase, ONLY: ionmax
      use ModuleEos, ONLY: eos

! ### NU ADD #### 04.02.02 DJL
      use multifluid_database, ONLY: get_mfluid_property
! ### ### ### 

      implicit none
! this is Frank's routine that approximates the thermal transport 
! coefficients for electron conduction.  
! The calling sequence has been modified for use in FLASH.  Instead of 
! passing in the electron pressure and degeneracy pressure, this routine
! makes an eos call to the general FLASH eos driver (eos_fcn).  This 
! makes use of abar and zbar which were computed in this routine anyway.
! The mass fractions are passed in through the array massfrac instead of 
! xmass, to avoid using the common blocks.  The only information which
! comes from the common blocks is the list of isotope proton numbers and
! atomic masses (aion and zion) and the number of isotopes.
! input:
!  xtemp      = temperature temp (in K)
!  xden       = density den (in g/cm**3)
!  massfrac   = mass fractions of the composition
! output:
!  cond       = conductivity
!  diff_coeff = diffusion coefficient ( = cond/(rho*c_v)) 

! modified 7-9-99
! now returns the conductivity, not opacity
! eliminated zion, aion, and ionmax from the argument list, 
! these come from the network includes

! ### NU ADD ### 4.2.02. DJL
! Commented out the following ... seems to be a throwback from FLASH1.6
!      include 'network_common.fh'
! ### ### ###

! ### NU ADD ### 4.2.02. DJL
! Add declaration for zion and aion

     real, save :: zion(ionmax), aion(ionmax)

! ### ### ###

! declare the pass
      real xtemp, xden, massfrac(ionmax), cond, diff_coeff

! declare the variables used by the eos
      real pres, ener, dpt, dpd, det, ded, gammac

! declare the electron contributions -- these are used in this routine
      real pep, xne, eta

      real opac

      real c_p, chid

!..declare the internal variables
      integer iz,i
      real xmu,t6,orad,ocond,ytot1,ymassfrac,abar,zbar,w(6),xh, & 
     &     xhe,xz,xkc,xkap,xkb,xka,dbar,oiben1,d0log,xka1, & 
     &     xkw,xkaz,dbar1log,dbar2log,oiben2,t4,t4r,t44,t45,t46, & 
     &     ck1,ck3,ck2,ck4,ck5,ck6,xkcx,xkcy,xkcz,ochrs,th,fact, & 
     &     facetax,faceta,ocompt,tcut,cutfac,xkf,dlog10,zdel,zdell10, & 
     &     eta0,eta02,thpl,thpla,cfac1,cfac2,oh,pefac,pefacl,pefacal, & 
     &     dnefac,wpar2,walf,walf10,thx,thy,thc,farg,ffac,xmas,ymas, & 
     &     wfac,cint,vie,cie,tpe,yg,xrel,beta2,jy,vee,cee,ov1,ov, & 
     &     drel,drel10,drelim

! various physical and derived constants
!    con2 = con1*sqrt(4*pi*e*e/me)  
!    meff = hbar/(me*c)*(3*pi**2)**(1/3) 
!    weid = (pi*kerg)**2/(3*me)     
!    iec = 4*e**4*me/(3*pi*hbar**3) 
!    xec  = hbar/kerg*e*sqrt(4*pi/me) 
      real third,twoth,pi,avo,c,ssol,asol,zbound,t7peek, & 
     &     con2,k2c,meff,weid,iec,xec,rt3
      parameter (third  = 1.0e0/3.0e0,  & 
     &           twoth  = 2.0e0 * third,  & 
     &           pi     = 3.1415926535897932384e0,  & 
     &           avo    = 6.0221367e23,  & 
     &           c      = 2.99792458e10,  & 
     &           ssol   = 5.67050407222e-5,  & 
     &           asol   = 4.0e0*ssol/c,  & 
     &           zbound = 0.1e0,  & 
     &           t7peek = 1.0e20,  & 
     &           k2c    = 4.0e0/3.0e0*asol*c,  & 
     &           meff   = 1.194648642401440e-10,  & 
     &           weid   = 6.884326138694269e-5,  & 
     &           iec    = 1.754582332329132e16,   & 
     &           xec    = 4.309054377592449e-7, & 
     &           rt3    = 1.7320508075688772e0,  & 
     &           con2   = 1.07726359439811217e-7)

! conversion coefficient for opacity to conductivity
      real cond_factor
      parameter (cond_factor = 4.e0*asol*c/3.e0)

! ### NU ADD ### 04.02.02 DJL
! First call - fill in zion and aion
      logical, save :: firstCall = .TRUE.

      if (firstCall) then

! Define zion and aion via multifluid database
      call get_mfluid_property ("num positive", zion)
      call get_mfluid_property ("num total", aion)

      firstCall = .FALSE.



! ### ### ###

      opac      = 0.0e0
      orad      = 0.0e0
      ocond     = 0.0e0
      oiben1    = 0.0e0
      oiben2    = 0.0e0
      ochrs     = 0.0e0
      oh        = 0.0e0
      ov        = 0.0e0
      zbar      = 0.0e0
      ytot1     = 0.0e0

!..set the composition variables 
      do i=1,6
         w(i) = 0.0e0

      do i = 1,ionmax 
         iz        = min(3,max(1,int(zion(i))))
         ymassfrac = massfrac(i)/aion(i)
         w(iz)     = w(iz) + massfrac(i) 
         w(iz+3)   = w(iz+3) + zion(i) * zion(i) * ymassfrac
         zbar      = zbar + zion(i) * ymassfrac
         ytot1     = ytot1 + ymassfrac
      abar = 1.0e0/ytot1
      zbar = zbar * abar
      t6   = xtemp * 1.0e-6 
      xh   = w(1)
      xhe  = w(2)
      xz   = w(3)

! now that we have abar and zbar, call the eos and get the electron
! contributions
      call eos(xden,xtemp,pres,ener,massfrac,abar,zbar, & 
     &     dpt,dpd,det,ded,gammac,pep,xne,eta,1)

! now generate the specific heat at constant pressure from these quantities
! see C&G 9.98
      chid = dpd*xden/pres
      c_p = det*gammac/chid

!..radiative section:
!..from iben apj 196 525 1975
      if (xh .lt. 1.0e-5) then 
         xmu      = max(1.0e-99, w(4)+w(5)+w(6)-1.0e0)    
         xkc      = (2.019e-4*xden/t6**1.7e0)**(2.425e0) 
         xkap     = 1.0e0 + xkc * (1.0e0 + xkc/24.55e0)
         xkb      = 3.86e0 + 0.252e0*sqrt(xmu) + 0.018e0*xmu 
         xka      = 3.437e0 * (1.25e0 + 0.488e0*sqrt(xmu) + 0.092e0*xmu)
         dbar     = exp(-xka + xkb*log(t6))  
         oiben1   = xkap * (xden/dbar)**(0.67e0)
      end if 

      if ( .not.((xh.ge.1.0e-5) .and. (t6.lt.1.0)) .and.  & 
     &     .not.((xh.lt.1.0e-5) .and. (xz.gt.zbound)) ) then 
         if (t6 .gt. 1.0) then
            d0log = -(3.868e0 + 0.806e0*xh) + 1.8e0*log(t6)
            d0log = -(3.868e0 + 0.806e0*xh) +  & 
     &           (3.42e0 - 0.52e0*xh)*log(t6)
         xka1 = 2.809e0 * exp(-(1.74e0  - 0.755e0*xh)  & 
     &        * (log10(t6) - 0.22e0 + 0.1375e0*xh)**2)  
         xkw  = 4.05e0 * exp(-(0.306e0  - 0.04125e0*xh) & 
     &        * (log10(t6) - 0.18e0 + 0.1625e0*xh)**2) 
         xkaz = 50.0e0*xz*xka1 * exp(-0.5206e0* & 
     &        ((log(xden)-d0log)/xkw)**2)
         dbar2log = -(4.283e0 + 0.7196e0*xh) + 3.86e0*log(t6)
         dbar1log = -5.296e0 + 4.833e0*log(t6)  
         if (dbar2log .lt. dbar1log) dbar1log = dbar2log
         oiben2   = (xden/exp(dbar1log))**(0.67e0) * exp(xkaz) 
      end if 

!..from christy apj 144 108 1966
      if ((t6.lt.1.5) .and. (xh .ge. 1.0e-5)) then 
         t4    = xtemp * 1.0e-4 
         t4r   = sqrt(t4)  
         t44   = t4**4
         t45   = t44 * t4 
         t46   = t45 * t4 
         ck1   = 2.0e6/t44 + 2.1e0*t46  
         ck3   = 4.0e-3/t44 + 2.0e-4/xden**(0.25e0) 
         ck2   = 4.5e0*t46 + 1.0e0/(t4*ck3)    
         ck4   = 1.4e3*t4 + t46  
         ck5   = 1.0e6 + 0.1e0*t46  
         ck6   = 20.0e0*t4 + 5.0e0*t44 + t45  
         xkcx  = xh*(t4r/ck1 + 1.0e0/ck2)    
         xkcy  = xhe*(1.0e0/ck4 + 1.5e0/ck5)   
         xkcz  = xz*(t4r/ck6)
         ochrs = pep * (xkcx + xkcy + xkcz)
      end if 

!..opacity in presence of hydrogen  
      if (xh .ge. 1.0e-5) then 
         if (t6 .lt. 1.0) then 
            orad   = ochrs  
         else if (t6 .le. 1.5) then 
            orad   = 2.0e0*(ochrs*(1.5e0 - t6) + oiben2*(t6 - 1.0e0)) 
            orad   = oiben2    
         end if 

!..opacity in absence of hydrogen   
         if (xz .gt. zbound) then 
            orad   = oiben1   
            orad   = oiben1*(xz/zbound) + oiben2*((zbound-xz)/zbound)
         end if 
      end if 

!..add in the compton scattering opacity, weaver et al. apj 1978 225 1021
      th      = min(511.0e0, xtemp * 8.617e-8)
      fact    = 1.0e0 + 2.75e-2*th - 4.88e-5*th*th   
      facetax = 1.0e100    
      if (eta .le. 500.0) facetax = exp(0.522e0*eta - 1.563e0)  
      faceta  = 1.0e0 + facetax  
      ocompt  = 6.65205e-25/(fact * faceta) * xne/xden
      orad    = orad   + ocompt 

!..cutoff radiative opacity when 4kt/hbar is less than the plasma frequency  
      tcut = con2 * sqrt(xne) 
      if (xtemp .lt. tcut) then 
         if (tcut .gt. 200.0*xtemp) then 
            orad   = orad * 2.658e86  
            cutfac   = exp(tcut/xtemp - 1.0e0)  
            orad     = orad * cutfac
         end if 
      end if 

!..fudge molecular opacity for low temps
      xkf    = t7peek * xden * (xtemp * 1.0e-7)**4
      orad   = xkf * orad/(xkf + orad)

!..conductivity section:
!..drel is the dividing line between nondegenerate and degenerate regions,
!..taken from clayton eq. 2-34. if the density is larger than drel, then
!..use the degenerate expressions. if the density is smaller than
!..drelim, use the non-degenerate formulas. in between drel and drelim,
!..apply a smooth blending of the two.
      drel     =  2.4e-8 * zbar/abar * xtemp * sqrt(xtemp)
      if (xtemp .le. 1.0e5) drel = drel * 15.0e0
      drel10   = log10(drel)
      drelim   = drel10 + 0.3e0
      dlog10   = log10(xden)    

!..from iben apj 196 525 1975 for non-degenerate regimes
      if (dlog10 .lt. drelim) then 
         zdel    = xne/(avo*t6*sqrt(t6))
         zdell10 = log10(zdel)    
         eta0    = exp(-1.20322e0 + twoth * log(zdel))  
         eta02   = eta0*eta0

!..thpl factor 
         if (zdell10 .lt. 0.645) then 
            thpl    = -7.5668e0 + log(zdel * (1.0e0 + 0.024417e0*zdel))  
            if (zdell10 .lt. 2.5) then 
               thpl   = -7.58110e0 + log(zdel*(1.0e0 + 0.02804e0*zdel))  
               if (zdell10 .ge. 2.0) then 
                  thpla = thpl 
                  thpl  = -11.0742e0 +  & 
     &                 log(zdel**2 * (1.0e0 + 9.376e0/eta02))
                  thpl  = 2.0e0*((2.5e0-zdell10)*thpla +  & 
     &                 (zdell10-2.0e0)*thpl)   
               end if 
               thpl   = -11.0742e0 +  & 
     &              log(zdel**2 * (1.0e0 + 9.376e0/eta02))
            end if 
         end if 

!..pefac and walf factors
         if (zdell10 .lt. 2.0) then 
            pefac   = 1.0e0 + 0.021876e0*zdel 
            if (zdell10 .gt. 1.5) then 
               pefacal   = log(pefac) 
               pefacl    = log(0.4e0 * eta0 + 1.64496e0/eta0)  
               cfac1     = 2.0e0 - zdell10  
               cfac2     = zdell10 - 1.5e0  
               pefac     = exp(2.0e0 * (cfac1*pefacal + cfac2*pefacl))    
            end if 
            pefac   = 0.4e0 * eta0 + 1.64496e0/eta0
         end if 
         if (zdel.lt.40.0) then
            dnefac = 1.0e0 + zdel * (3.4838e-4 * zdel - 2.8966e-2)
            dnefac = 1.5e0/eta0 * (1.0e0 - 0.8225e0/eta02)
         wpar2  = 9.24735e-3 * zdel *  & 
     &        (xden*avo*(w(4)+w(5)+w(6))/xne + dnefac)/(sqrt(t6)*pefac)
         walf   = 0.5e0 * log(wpar2)    
         walf10 = 0.5e0 * log10(wpar2)    
!..thx, thy and thc factors
         if (walf10 .le. -3.0) then 
            thx   = exp(2.413e0 - 0.124e0*walf) 
         else if (walf10 .le. -1.0) then 
            thx   = exp(0.299e0 - walf*(0.745e0 + 0.0456e0*walf))   
            thx   = exp(0.426e0 - 0.558e0*walf) 
         end if 
         if (walf10 .le. -3.0) then 
            thy   = exp(2.158e0 - 0.111e0*walf)  
         else if (walf10 .le. 0.0) then 
            thy   = exp(0.553e0 - walf*(0.55e0 + 0.0299e0*walf))  
            thy   = exp(0.553e0 - 0.6e0*walf)   
         end if 
         if (walf10 .le. -2.5) then 
            thc   = exp(2.924e0 - 0.1e0*walf)   
         else if (walf10 .le. 0.5) then 
            thc   = exp(1.6740e0 - walf*(0.511e0 + 0.0338e0*walf))  
            thc   = exp(1.941e0 - 0.785e0*walf) 
         end if 
         oh   = (xh*thx + xhe*thy + w(6)*third*thc) / (t6*exp(thpl)) 
      end if 

!..from yakovlev & urpin soviet astro 1980 24 303 and 
!..potekhin et al. 1997 aa 323 415 for degenerate regimes
      if (dlog10 .gt. drel10) then 
         xmas   = meff * xne**third 
         ymas   = sqrt(1.0e0 + xmas*xmas) 
         wfac   = weid * xtemp/ymas * xne 
         cint   = 1.0e0 

!..ion-electron collision frequency and the thermal conductivity 
         vie   = iec * zbar * ymas * cint
         cie   = wfac/vie 

!..electron-electron collision frequency and thermal conductivity 
         tpe  = xec * sqrt(xne/ymas)
         yg   = rt3 * tpe/xtemp 
         xrel = 1.009e0 * (zbar/abar * xden * 1.0e-6)**third
         beta2 = xrel**2/(1.0e0 + xrel**2)
         jy   = (1.0e0 + 6.0e0/(5.0e0*xrel**2) + 2.0e0/(5.0e0*xrel**4)) & 
     &        * ( yg**3 / (3.0e0 * (1.0e0 + 0.07414 * yg)**3)  & 
     &        * log((2.81e0 - 0.810*beta2 + yg)/yg)     & 
     &        + pi**5/6.0e0 * (yg/(13.91e0 + yg))**4 )
         vee = 0.511e0 * xtemp**2 * xmas/ymas**2 * sqrt(xmas/ymas) * jy 
         cee = wfac/vee

!..total electron thermal conductivity and conversion to an opacity 
         ov1   = cie * cee/(cee + cie)
         ov    = k2c/(ov1*xden) * xtemp**3 
      end if 

!..blend the opacities in the intermediate region
      if (dlog10 .le. drel10) then 
         ocond   = oh 
      else if (dlog10 .gt. drel10  .and. dlog10 .lt. drelim) then 
         farg    = pi * (dlog10 - drel10) / 0.3e0
         ffac    = 0.5e0 * (1.0e0 - cos(farg))
         ocond   = exp((1.0e0-ffac)*log(oh) + ffac*log(ov))
      else if (dlog10 .ge. drelim) then 
         ocond   = ov 
      end if 

!..total opacity
      opac    = orad * ocond / (ocond + orad)

! now return the conductivity
      cond = cond_factor*xtemp**3/(opac*xden)

      diff_coeff = cond/(xden*c_p)


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