[FLASH-BUGS] configuration

Mike Zingale zingale at flash.uchicago.edu
Tue Feb 19 22:23:15 CST 2002

Max, to customize the library paths to your system, you should create a
directory under source/sites/ that is the name of the machine as returned
by the hostname command.  There are already several such directories
there.  The major path requirements are those for HDF and HDF5, which are
set via the HDF4_PATH, HDF5_PATH macros.  There is also a macro ZLIB_PATH
for zlib, which is required by HDF5.  These should be defined at the top
of the Makefile.h.

At present, generating Makefile.h is not automated.  The best way to write
a Makefile.h is to copy a version from one of the existing site
directories.  sphere.uchicago.edu/ contains an up-to-date version of
Makefile.h for an IRIX platform.  nan.ucolick.org/ contains an up-to-date
version of Makefile.h for a Linux box.

Please let me know if there are any problems with this.


On Tue, 19 Feb 2002, Max Marconi wrote:

> I have recently downloaded a copy of flash2.0. Is there a formal
> procedure to
> customize the library paths to the system on which flash is to be run ?
> Couldn't find it in the users manual .
> Thanks
> M.  L. Marconi

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