[FLASH-USERS] Multigrid Gravity in Isolated Boundaries

Colin McNally flash_dist at physics.mcmaster.ca
Tue Jul 2 23:22:23 CDT 2002

Dear All,
  I have come upon a difficulty with using the multigrid gravity solver in 
isolated boundary conditions with FLASH 2.1. I originally found this on while 
testing the solver with a polytrope setup. I have demostrated it here with a 
low resolution version of the dust collapse problem. The issue is that the 
gravitational potential given by the multigrid solver looks nothing like that 
given by the multipole solver. I have attempted to include all the relevent 
information in this post. Advice on how to configure or modify the multigrid 
solver to give the correct solution would be greatly appreciated.
Perhaps, as others have asked similar questions to this before, it might be of 
use if someone could document how to properly make the dust collapse problem 
run with the multigrid solver as an example for proper usage.

-Colin McNally
McMaster University Physics & Astronomy

Included below are:
Config file for the problem
flash.par file from the multigrid run
logfile from the multigrid run
stdout from the multigrid run

Attached are
ASCII data slices of the gravitational potential given by the multipole 
and multigrid solvers at the end of the first step.
(columns: 1 = X, 2=Y, 3=Z, 4=junk, 5=gpot)

Config file

#               Configuration file for spherical dust collapse problem
#               (Colgate, S. A., & White, R. H. 1966, ApJ, 143, 626)

REQUIRES mesh/amr/paramesh2.0/second_order
REQUIRES driver/time_dep
REQUIRES gravity/poisson/multigrid
REQUIRES materials/eos/gamma

#               R_init          Initial radius of cloud
#               rho_0           Initial density of cloud
#               T_ambient       Initial ambient temperature (everywhere)
#               x/y/zctr        Coordinates of the center of the cloud
#               delta_ref       Refine a block if the max density 
contrast is
#                                 greater than this
#               delta_deref     Derefine a block if the max density 
contrast is
#                                 less than this

PARAMETER T_ambient     REAL    1.
PARAMETER R_init        REAL    0.05
PARAMETER rho_0         REAL    1.
PARAMETER xctr          REAL    0.5
PARAMETER yctr          REAL    0.5
PARAMETER zctr          REAL    0.5
PARAMETER delta_ref     REAL    0.1
PARAMETER delta_deref   REAL    0.01

#               For testing purposes

VARIABLE grvx NORENORM         # x-component of grav. acceleration
VARIABLE grvy NORENORM         # y-component of grav. acceleration
VARIABLE grvz NORENORM         # z-component of grav. acceleration


  FLASH log file:  07-02-2002  14:17.59    Run number:  1
  Number of processors:             4
  Build stamp: Tue Jul 2 13:01:26 2002
                   OSF1 idra1 V5.1 alpha
  Version:         FLASH 2.1.
  Build directory: /astro/colinm/dust_coll
  Setup syntax:    ./setup.py dust_coll -auto -3d 
  Comment:  Dust collapse problem
  Runtime parameters:  read from file "flash.par"

  dtmin                =  1.0000000000000E-10
  small                =  1.0000000000000E-10
  tmax                 =  6.3700000000000E-02
  zfinal               = -2.0000000000000E+00
  tinitial             =  0.0000000000000E+00
  dtmax                =  1.0000000000000E-02
  smalle               =  1.0000000000000E-10
  dtini                =  1.0000000000000E-03
  smallx               =  1.0000000000000E-10
  zinitial             = -1.0000000000000E+00
  smallt               =  1.0000000000000E-10
  smallu               =  1.0000000000000E-10
  smlrho               =  1.0000000000000E-10
  smallp               =  1.0000000000000E-10
  temp_factor          =  1.0000000000000E-01
  tstep_change_factor  =  2.0000000000000E+00
  wall_clock_time_limi =  6.0480000000000E+05
  eint_switch          =  1.0000000000000E-04
  cfl                  =  8.0000000000000E-01
  rieman_tol           =  1.0000000000000E-05
  vgrid                =  0.0000000000000E+00
  cvisc                =  0.0000000000000E+00
  epsiln               =  3.3000000000000E-01
  omg2                 =  1.0000000000000E+01
  omg1                 =  7.5000000000000E-01
  trstrt               =  3.5800000000000E-02
  tplot                =  1.0000000000000E+03
  wall_clock_checkpoin =  4.3200000000000E+04
  gamma                =  1.6666667000000E+00
  ymin                 =  0.0000000000000E+00
  xmin                 =  0.0000000000000E+00
  xmax                 =  1.4000000000000E+09
  zmin                 =  0.0000000000000E+00
  ymax                 =  1.4000000000000E+09
  zmax                 =  1.4000000000000E+09
  refine_filter        =  1.0000000000000E-02
  refine_cutoff        =  8.0000000000000E-01
  derefine_cutoff      =  2.0000000000000E-01
  mgrid_jacobi_weight  =  6.6666666666670E-01
  mgrid_max_iter_chang =  1.0000000000000E-03
  mgrid_max_residual_n =  1.0000000000000E-06
  mgrid_smooth_tol     =  1.0000000000000E-06
  zctr                 =  7.0000000000000E+08
  delta_ref            =  1.0000000000000E-01
  delta_deref          =  1.0000000000000E-02
  xctr                 =  7.0000000000000E+08
  rho_0                =  1.0000000000000E+09
  t_ambient            =  1.0000000000000E+00
  yctr                 =  7.0000000000000E+08
  r_init               =  6.5000000000000E+08
  nend                 =                 5000
  ichem                =                    0
  ishkbn               =                    0
  itemp_limit          =                    0
  ipart                =                    0
  igrav                =                    1
  grav_boundary        =                   -1
  irenorm              =                    0
  nriem                =                  100
  igodu                =                    0
  iplm                 =                    0
  rolling_checkpoint   =                10000
  cpnumber             =                    0
  wr_integrals_freq    =                    1
  memory_stat_freq     =               100000
  ptnumber             =                    0
  nrstrt               =                   19
  igeomz               =                    0
  igeomx               =                    0
  igeomy               =                    0
  nblockz              =                    4
  nblocky              =                    4
  nblockx              =                    4
  zlboundary           =                    0
  xrboundary           =                    0
  yrboundary           =                    0
  zrboundary           =                    0
  xlboundary           =                    0
  ylboundary           =                    0
  lrefine_min          =                    1
  lrefine_max          =                    1
  nrefs                =                    2
  mgrid_solve_max_iter =                 5000
  mgrid_nsmooth        =                    4
  mgrid_max_vcycles    =                  100
  mpole_lmax           =                    0
  log_file             = "dustcoll.log"
  run_comment          = "Dust collapse problem"
  run_number           = "1"
  grav_boundary_type   = "isolated"
  plot_var_5           = "none"
  plot_var_7           = "none"
  basenm               = "dustcoll"
  plot_var_8           = "none"
  plot_var_6           = "none"
  plot_var_4           = "none"
  plot_var_3           = "temp"
  plot_var_2           = "pres"
  plot_var_1           = "grvx"
  refine_var_3         = "none"
  refine_var_2         = "none"
  refine_var_1         = "dens"
  xr_boundary_type     = "outflow"
  refine_var_4         = "none"
  yr_boundary_type     = "outflow"
  bc_velocity_type     = "outflow"
  xl_boundary_type     = "outflow"
  zr_boundary_type     = "outflow"
  yl_boundary_type     = "outflow"
  zl_boundary_type     = "outflow"
  shock_burning        =                    T
  conserved_var        =                    T
  restart              =                    F
  print_tstep_loc      =                    F
  oldvisc              =                    T
  leveque              =                    F
  ppm_modifystates     =                    F
  corners              =                    F
  msgbuffer            =                    T
  monotone             =                    T
  mgrid_print_norm     =                    F


  Known units of measurement:

   cm                   =  1.0000000000000E+00 cm
   s                    =  1.0000000000000E+00 s
   K                    =  1.0000000000000E+00 K
   g                    =  1.0000000000000E+00 g
   esu                  =  1.0000000000000E+00 esu
   m                    =  1.0000000000000E+02 cm
   km                   =  1.0000000000000E+05 cm
   pc                   =  3.0856775807000E+18 cm
   kpc                  =  3.0856775807000E+21 cm
   Mpc                  =  3.0856775807000E+24 cm
   Gpc                  =  3.0856775807000E+27 cm
   Rsun                 =  6.9600000000000E+10 cm
   AU                   =  1.4959787066200E+13 cm
   yr                   =  3.1556925200000E+07 s
   Myr                  =  3.1556925200000E+13 s
   Gyr                  =  3.1556925200000E+16 s
   kg                   =  1.0000000000000E+03 g
   Msun                 =  1.9889225000000E+33 g
   amu                  =  1.6605402100000E-24 g
   C                    =  2.9979245800000E+09 esu

  Known physical constants:

   Newton               =  6.6725985000000E-08 cm^3 s^-2 g^-1 

   speed of light       =  2.9979245800000E+10 cm s^-1 

   Planck               =  6.6260755400000E-27 cm^2 s^-1 g 

   electron charge      =  4.8032068150000E-10 esu 

   electron mass        =  9.1093897540000E-28 g 

   proton mass          =  1.6726231100000E-24 g 

   fine-structure       =  7.2973530764000E-03 

   Avogadro             =  6.0221367360000E+23 

   Boltzmann            =  1.3806581200000E-16 cm^2 s^-2 g K^-1 

   ideal gas constant   =  8.3145119843000E+07 cm^2 s^-2 g K^-1 

   Wien                 =  2.8977562400000E-01 cm K 

   Stefan-Boltzmann     =  5.6705119000000E-05 s^-3 g K^-4 

   pi                   =  3.1415926535898E+00 

   e                    =  2.7182818284590E+00 

   Euler                =  5.7721566490153E-01 


  Multifluid database contents:

  Full name            Abbrev      A      Z      N      E     Eb  gamma 
  fluid  1              1       1.00   1.00   0.00   0.00   1.00   1.67 

  flash:  initializing for dust collapse problem.
   sound speed   =    11771.7969108304
   central dens  =    1000000000.00000
   central pres  =   8.314511984300000E+016
   external dens =    100000000.000000
   external pres =   8.314511984299999E+015

  [07-02-2002  14:19.33] *** checkpointed:  dustcollhdf_chk_0000
  [07-02-2002  14:19.33] *** wrote      64 blocks.
  [07-02-2002  14:19.33] *** plot file:  dustcollhdf_plt_cnt_0000
  [07-02-2002  14:19.34] *** wrote to dustcollhdf_plt_cnt_0000
  [07-02-2002  14:19.34] step       1  t=  0.000000E+00  dt= 1.000000E-03
  mg_solve:  using relaxation solver for coarse grid
  init_mpole:  using          113  radial samples
               moment array:           452  items
  [07-02-2002  14:20.21] *** plot file:  dustcollhdf_plt_cnt_0001
  [07-02-2002  14:20.21] *** wrote to dustcollhdf_plt_cnt_0001

idra1> prun -n4 ./flash2

 flash:  initializing for dust collapse problem.

  INITIAL TIMESTEP =   1.000000000000000E-003
 *** Wrote output to dustcollhdf_chk_0000 (          64 blocks ) ***
 number of variables found for plotfile storage =            3
 grvx pres temp
 *** Wrote output to dustcollhdf_plt_cnt_0000 ***
       n          t         dt |  dt_hydro
       1 2.0000E-03 2.0000E-03 |  1.368E-01
 *** Wrote output to dustcollhdf_plt_cnt_0001 ***
       2 6.0000E-03 4.0000E-03 |  4.568E-02
 *** Wrote output to dustcollhdf_plt_cnt_0002 ***
       3 1.4000E-02 8.0000E-03 |  1.977E-02
 *** Wrote output to dustcollhdf_plt_cnt_0003 ***
       4 3.0000E-02 9.6825E-03 |  9.682E-03
 *** Wrote output to dustcollhdf_plt_cnt_0004 ***
       5 4.9365E-02 6.0467E-03 |  6.047E-03
 *** Wrote output to dustcollhdf_plt_cnt_0005 ***
       6 6.1458E-02 4.7064E-03 |  4.706E-03
 *** Wrote output to dustcollhdf_plt_cnt_0006 ***
       7 7.0871E-02 2.0557E-03 |  2.056E-03
 *** Wrote output to dustcollhdf_plt_cnt_0007 ***
 *** Wrote output to dustcollhdf_chk_0001 (          64 blocks ) ***

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