[FLASH-BUGS] Flash - Fortran90 compiler compatibility on Tru64

Mike Zingale zingale at flash.uchicago.edu
Fri Jul 5 13:09:56 CDT 2002

Colin, we are aware of the issues with the Compaq Fortran 90 compiler, and
hope to have a workaround implemented in the code in the next version of
FLASH.  What version of the Compaq compiler are you using?  Can you try
your problems out on a different platform, without the changes you made?


On Fri, 5 Jul 2002, Colin McNally wrote:

> Hi,
>   I have had to hack out some of the FORTRAN common blocks in PARAMESH 
> that were used by the dataBase module into common blocks to make Compaq 
> Tru64 Fortran compile FLASH (intgrs, floats,tree,solution_cc). It is 
> possible that my modifications have messed something up.  
>     The issue is that when a common block is defined by Paramesh and is 
> used in a dBase module and then a name in the common block is in the 
> ONLY specification of a USE statement the compag compiler, for example goes:
> f95 -cpp  -c -fast  -r8 -i4 -I/usr/mpi/include  -DN_DIM=2 
> -DMAXBLOCKS=1000  flash.F90
> f90: Error: flash.F90, line 74: Conflicting attributes or multiple 
> declaration of name.   [NSTEP]
>   do nstep = nbegin, nbegin+nend
> -----^
> f90: Error: flash.F90, line 74: An INTEGER or REAL data type is required 
> in this context.   [NSTEP]
>   do nstep = nbegin, nbegin+nend
> -----^
> f90: Error: flash.F90, line 79: Conflicting attributes or multiple 
> declaration of name.   [NSTEP]
>      if (MyPE == MasterPE) call tstamp_logfile (nstep, time, dt)
> ------------------------------------------------^
> f90: Error: flash.F90, line 92: Conflicting attributes or multiple 
> declaration of name.   [NSTEP]
>      call output(time, dt, nstep, nbegin) ! Output if needed
> ---------------------------^
> f90: Error: flash.F90, line 106: Conflicting attributes or multiple 
> declaration of name.   [NSTEP]
>   call end_flash (nstep-nbegin+1)
> ------------------^
> f90: Error: flash.F90, line 40: Name in only-list does not exist.   [NSTEP]
>   use dBaseDeclarations, ONLY: nstep
> -------------------------------^
> gmake: *** [flash.o] Error 1
> This is the sod test.  Striaght out of the box FLASH2.1 and 2.0. Is 
> there a recommended strategy for fixing this that's less painful then 
> hacking out all the affected common block refrences and hacking the new 
> module refrences in every new release of FLASH?
> Included find a Makefile.h for osf1t5. To recreate the problem drop it 
> into the approprite directory and do ./setup sod -auto ; gmake      
> This issue was seen with:
> Compaq Fortran V5.5-1877
> Compaq Fortran Compiler V5.5-1877-48BBF
> -Colin McNally
> McMaster University

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