Mike Zingale
zingale at flash.uchicago.edu
Thu Apr 17 14:54:47 CDT 2003
Markus, thanks for the bug report. I've added it to our bug tracker, so
we will have a record of it. I don't have any way of reproducing this at
the moment, but perhaps someone else can give it a try.
On Thu, 17 Apr 2003, Markus Gross wrote:
> Hi!
> I belive I have just encountered a bug in at least one FLASH routine.
> Our System:
> SGI origin IRIX64 6.5 07091542 IP35
> MPI (MPT 1.4) -mpi Version 1266208220
> MIPSpro Compilers: Version 7.4
> Problem:
> 3-D hydro starting with 5x5x3 blocks, maxref = 3
> we get a:
> *** MPI has run out of request entries.
> *** The current allocation level is:
> *** MPI_REQUEST_MAX = 16384
> IOT Trap
> MPI: MPI_COMM_WORLD rank 0 has terminated without calling MPI_Finalize()
> MPI: aborting job
> when:
> [04-17-2003 18:48.39] <<< refined: tot_blocks = 2723 >>>
> [04-17-2003 18:48.59] *** plot file: gas_pre_hdf_plt_cnt_0009
> [04-17-2003 18:49.08] *** wrote to gas_pre_hdf_plt_cnt_0009
> [04-17-2003 18:49.41] step 91 t= 2.664610E-06 dt= 1.431909E-08
> [04-17-2003 18:50.12] step 92 t= 2.693248E-06 dt= 1.426362E-08
> MPI_REQUEST_MAX = 16384 is a hard limit on our machine and can only be
> decreased using the enivronment variable.
> I tracked that down to at least one non-blocking send to a blocking receive
> where the send reqest was not freed. This happens at least is:
> line 241 AMR_redist_blk.F90 FLASH 2.2 & 2.1
> according to the MPI standard that should be fixed by having a MPI_WAIT
> following the non-blocking send immediately.
> I attached a test program to this email which illustrates this point (at
> least on our system). Version as supplied should fails, if you uncomment the
> MPI_wait it should run until forever.
> Please let me know what you think about this and if I am right, if there are
> more if these problems in the code (I presume you would know from the top of
> your head). I try to get through it tonight, but Flash is a little bit
> bigger, so help would be appreciated.
> Regards,
> Markus.
> --
> _______________________________________________________________
> Markus Gross AMIMechE BEng (Hons.) Mechanical Engineering
> Heriot Watt University Edinburgh
> Department of Mechanical and Chemical Engineering
> Associate member of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers
> Member of the SPIE
> _______________________________________________________________
> further contact:
> Phone : +44 (0) 131 449 5111 etx. 4737
> UNiX talk: talk markus at lasersim.mce.hw.ac.uk
> _______________________________________________________________
> "Plans are a place to begin," Grove said. "They rarely deliver
> you to where you expect. Make your plans knowing you are going
> to throw them away."
> _______________________________________________________________
> Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
> Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org
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